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Hillary's Hero Packed Heat
by A New York City Gun Owner

Hillary Clinton visited Hyde Park, New York two weeks ago to pay homage to her new "hero" Eleanor Roosevelt. As usual, Hillary swells and oodles over what a great American someone from history was, dripping with praise in her inauthentic Clintonesque way.

Evidence that Eleanor Roosevelt applied for a license to carry a gun has surfaced. Click here to take a look for yourself.

Though it is likely that Hillary (who recently had her bodyguard misplace his gun in a restaurant) already knows Mrs. Roosevelt had a license to carry, as is typical of the "We are better than you and are thus worthy of armed protection" crowd in which Mrs. Plastic associates, she doesn't care. While she parades around the city she seeks to further infest with socialism and statism like the royalty she is not, lawful, peaceable citizens in the city she further defiles with her presence go unarmed and vulnerable or face jail for carrying a self-defense tool.

Do I sound jaded, cynical, angry? You bet I am. The nastiest form of nation-destructive Hitler-speak pours off of that phony broads' lips like it's candy, and idiotic fools too stupid to read HISTORY books soak it up like it's a blessing from the very God her anti-American ways defy. She supports my wife having to go unarmed in New York City, where we have lived for 39 years, while she walks around surrounded by people who would throw themselves in front of a criminal aiming a fully automatic machine gun at her just to protect her lying self.

Hillary Clinton is The Enemy of Freedom. Many of us here want NOTHING to do with her, and if she wins here, I don't know what is going to happen, but I'm looking forward to watching The Patriot about 17 times.

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Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. � Thomas Paine, Thoughts on Defensive War (1775).

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