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Newslinks for 9/17/2011

Bellevue v. Bloomberg over riot predictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "One might ask what Bloomberg expects to gain by tossing out predictions of anarchy. Yes, the economy stinks, President Obama�s job performance is in the pits, his party � lest anyone forget � handed us the current economic stink bomb during its four years in charge on Capitol Hill, ... and there does not appear to be much leadership on the landscape."

"But forecasting riots is not going to compel anyone to produce a solution."

"If chaos does erupt, how are law-abiding New Yorkers going to defend against the lawlessness? That�s a question Gottlieb asked. Bloomberg�s bent toward restrictive gun laws has left his constituents ill-equipped to fight back if the mobs are pounding at the front door." ...

Angry citizens arm in defiance of order- no one killed!
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "The one acting lawlessly here, unsurprisingly, is the government official usurping powers not granted to him. ..." ...

Three Reasons I Love Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"1. Life is finite. Which makes life precious. But not to everyone. There are plenty of people in this world who don�t value any human life other than their own, and maybe not even that. They certainly don�t value my life and the lives of my loved ones. Whether through malice of forethought or as a 'simple' and expedient means to an end, they would end my life and the lives of those who give my world meaning. A firearm is by no means the only way to protect against evil intent. But a gun is an extremely effective method for thwarting those who would inflict grievous bodily harm and death on me and mine. My gun gives me a fighting chance to fight for my life and the lives of my family, friends ... I love that about guns." ...

God, Guns and Guts Made America Free (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The statement that God, Guns and Guts made America free and we we fight to keep all three is full of deep philosophical meaning." ...

Government Approved Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Plenty of legislators vote on bills they haven�t read, have no clue as to the content and yet will stand in front of their constituents and claim to have represented them. I guess the same is true about other important documents; they hold their arm to the square and pledge to uphold the Constitution without having read it. These same folks want to protect our God given rights as found in the Bill of Rights; but only when it suits their agenda."

"The Governor of New Hampshire vetoed a piece of legislation which need not have been written in the first place; individuals already have a God given right to defend themselves and it applies anywhere that individual might be attacked, it�s found in the 2nd Amendment." ...

New York Times: Supreme Court �Misread� The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New York Times hates guns. And the causes of guns. Like the Second Amendment, whose assertion of Americans� right to keep and bear arms strikes them as a typo of some sort. Their latest op ed on the topic takes Florida voters and their duly elected representatives to task for passing and enforcing a law that removes local gun control regulations ... 'In 1987, the Legislature passed a law that allowed the state to pre-empt the whole field of gun and ammunition controls, but it had very little effect on real life. 'No Guns Allowed' signs and other notices were kept up in appropriate places as communities continued to enforce gun ordinances ...' Illegally. You know: in contravention of the law. Which was a good thing, apparently . . ." ...

Gun Tweet of the Day: TopShotDustin Blacklists TTAG from TS3
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday, I published an interview with the most recently eliminated Top Shot competitor. I pinned the blame for Paul Marinaccio�s losing performance on his lack of a hat. (True story. The Corner Shot gun uses a video screen. In the wrong light, you can�t see squat.) Top Shot�s PR person called to convey Mr. Marinaccio�s displeasure. The NJ Detective felt I�d mischaracterized his explanation as whining. So I tweaked the post a bit, adding a tip of the hat to winner Jake Zweig. We good? I heard nothing back and thought nothing of it. Then, at some ungodly hour, Christian camp counselor Dustin Ellermann went all Old Testament on me . . ." ...

And They Wonder Why Gun Owners Are Wary Of The Media
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today's San Francisco Chronicle had a story about new lawsuits filed against the City of San Francisco. These lawsuits challenge a city requirement that handguns must be kept either in a locked container or have trigger lock and a city ban on the sale of hollow-point ammunition. With regard to the latter, reporter Rachel Gordon wrote:"
"The other, which has been on the books in various forms since 1994, prohibits the sale of hollow-point bullets and similar ammunition that fragments or explodes upon impact."
"Hollow-point ammunition does not explode nor fragment upon impact. It opens up, becomes wider, and is designed to stop the bad guy without passing through and hurting an innocent bystander ..." ...

Constitution Day: Is the Constitution on Life Support?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment was intended to guarantee 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms.' Yet while gun ownership has been recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court as an individual citizen right, Americans remain powerless to defend themselves against the government. In fact, in 2011, the Indiana Supreme Court broadly ruled that citizens don�t have the right to resist police officers who enter their homes illegally, which is the law in most states. ..." ...

The Liberal Gun Nut
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Within the 'gun culture' vilified by progressive liberals, in other words, there is a progressive liberal subculture that is heavily armed. Apparently, this is not to be spoken of, probably because it�s not supposed to exist; it�s supposed to be closeted. Talk to the typical Manhattan progressive ... and mention you own guns, and weirdness ensues. You might as well be explaining the pleasures of pederasty. I deal with a lot of editors of progressive publications who have never held a gun, much less shot one, and would think it unseemly, uncouth, by god uncultured, to do either. Some of these folks think no American should own guns, that the guns should be outlawed altogether ..." ...

AttackWatch and guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since President Obama�s campaign has seen fit to put up a punching bag website for us to look at, I think it would be wrong not to take a good look and ask some question. Especially since President Obama�s folks have seen fit to talk a bit about guns. It would just be rude."

"Guns are a touchy subject, and there really hasn�t been a good gun president in my lifetime. President Obama, however, claims that he�s doing right by gun owners." ...

Bloomberg again whining for more gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York City�s rabidly anti-Second Amendment mayor, Michael Bloomberg, is once again pushing for ill-conceived gun laws in the wake of an abnormally violent Labor Day weekend."

"According to The New York Post, 46 people were shot over the course of two days in several incidents. Bloomberg, who has long held anti-gun views and in 2006 co-founded the lobby group 'Mayors Against Illegal Guns,' immediately and predictably cried out for more gun control. This tired refrain of pushing for more restrictions on private ownership of firearms every time there is a spike in violent crime in the Big Apple rings hollow coming from the chief execute[sic] of the city with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the free world." ...

Defending the Self-Defense Case Pt. 4
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Unless the client is in his or her own dwelling confronting someone unlawfully within that home, many states impose a duty to retreat from a potential confrontation if the client can do so without increasing his or her own peril. He or she must continue to retreat until there is no probable means of escape." ...

'Lost' gun panic turns out to be political opportunism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Center against Guns (formerly Handgun Control, Inc.) is out with a new report on the firearms industry, and, as is typical, the authorized journalists of the 'mainstream media' are lapping up the Brady swill and regurgitating it back out with no investigation or critical analysis, as if it were written in stone by the Almighty himself."

"The fact is that the Brady 'report' is actually little more than wild assumptions and unfounded fear mongering based on some raw numbers provided by ATF to members of the firearms industry. ..." ...

A race to the bottom on concealed-carry gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When 22-year-old [the Tucson shooter] brought a loaded Glock 19 with a 33-round ammunition magazine to a Tucson grocery store parking lot in January, he broke the law only when he opened fire on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others at her constituent event. Under Arizona law, no permit is required to carry a concealed handgun outside the home."

"As the incident demonstrated, such a lax approach would seem to invite mayhem in the streets. But Arizona has the right to set such a problematic standard ..."

"What Arizonans should not have the right to do is force such laissez-faire gun control standards on Maryland ... Yet that's exactly what some in Congress would like to see happen." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually the Tucson shooter broke the law when he made repeated death threats against numerous people, which Sheriff Dupnik's office ignored.

TN: Homeowner: Shooting was self-defense after finding girlfriend with other man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Homeowner James Szczuka, 49, told detectives he awoke this morning and went into the bedroom of his 24-year-old girlfriend, Dena Harris, where he found the man asleep in bed with her ..."

"Szczuka told authorities the man became aggressive and threatening when he woke him up. The man allegedly refused to leave."

"Szczuka grabbed a .40-caliber handgun ... and shot the man when he allegedly 'came at him,' according to Dooley." ...

H/t to TTAG who notes: "Let this be a lesson to you kids out there. If you�re unfortunate enough to be caught in bed with another person�s lover � in their own home, no less � etiquette, not to mention good sense, dictates that the right move is not to get on your high horse and challenge the jilted lover."

ID: Grizzly bear kills hunter near Boundary County
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"A grizzly bear killed a hunter before being fatally shot Friday near the Boundary County, Idaho, limits, the latest in a series of deadly grizzly bear attacks in the Northwest."

"Three men from Nevada were hunting bears in a remote area of Buckhorn Mountain near the Montana border when the grizzly attacked one of them and was shot and killed by a group member, authorities say." ...

Gunwalker Linked to Three More Murders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "This extremely narrow � and self-serving � definition provided by the Department of Justice notably excludes the third rifle (and possible murder weapon) recovered at the scene of Agent Brian Terry�s death. That gun, while 'walked' and used by the cartels in a violent crime, was purchased in an unnamed Texas gun-walking operation. Further, the DOJ � and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in particular � tried to make that SKS carbine 'disappear.'"

"The weapons used to ambush ICE agents Jaime Zapata and Victor Avila were also not included in the DOJ�s figure, as these guns were also 'walked' from Texas."

Fast and Furious Conspiracy: Hillary Clinton Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another day, another right-wing conspiracy theory about guns. This time it's that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is not running for President because she must be nefariously involved in the failed [ATF] Fast and Furious program. Of course, Clinton has consistently said she will not seek the presidency in 2012 since long before Fast and Furious became public."

"The details of the ATF's operation Fast and Furious are certainly worthy of the investigations being undertaken in both Congress and Department of Justice's office of the Inspector General. But since Fast and Furious became public, right-wing blogs, Fox News reporters and gun lobbyists have all pushed a variety of baseless conspiracies related to Fast and Furious." ...

When a scandal isn't a scandal; when a 'gunwalked' gun isn't 'gunwalked'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Apparently, the fact that the Washington Post has been running active interference on the administration's behalf on the Project Gunwalker' . . . unfortunate situation ... is to be ignored."

"So on the same day that National Conservative Examiner Anthony Martin asks about 'a scandal a day' ... we're told that there have been no scandals, because there cannot be one until a newspaper demonstrably in the tank for the Obama administration says it's a scandal."

"In the meantime, Bob Owens, at Pajamas Media, reports that the Department of 'Justice' is not counting 'gunwalked' guns as 'gunwalked,' unless they meet an extraordinarily narrow (and arbitrary) definition:" ...

UT: Strong Second Amendment Ally Running for Congress in Utah
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is a candidate for Congress running in Utah that every gun owner should get to know."

"His name is Carl Wimmer, and he is a champion of the Second Amendment and of reining in the out-of-control federal government."

"Carl is just an everyday average citizen who got fed up when his own state representative voted against freedom one too many times. He ran for office and�to the shock of the political establishment�Carl won." ...

House Weighs Bill to Make Gun Permits Valid Across State Lines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lawmakers are considering a House bill that would give Americans who hold permits to carry firearms in their home states the right to carry their weapons across state lines."

"Although many states have entered into voluntary agreements, there is no nationwide framework for honoring permits and licenses uniformly. A bipartisan bill, co-authored by Reps. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., and Heath Shuler, D-N.C., aims to change that."

"Supporters say the measure would not create a federal licensing system, but would require that all states recognize lawfully issued permits � regardless of where they were issued. ..." ...

FL: Evers: On constitutional rights, I am right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Federal Judge Marcia Cooke is the one with a fundamental misunderstanding of what this law actually does. The law does not bar physicians from discussing gun safety with their patients. The law does not bar physicians from inquiring as to whether or not patients have guns, provided that the physician does so in a 'good faith' belief that the inquiry is necessary for patient treatment or in the course and scope of an emergency situation involving, or potentially involving, a firearm."

"What the bill actually does � a point completely missed by Judge Cook � is protect a patient or the parent of a patient from a bad faith or unnecessary inquisition into whether the patient or parent owns guns. ..." ...

IL: Concealed carry campaign continues, Rotarians learn
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thursday's meeting of the Carmi Rotary Club featured guest speaker Valinda Rowe of Enfield and her husband, Mike, speaking to the group about recent activities concerning conceal and carry laws in Illinois."

"Valinda explained that she is the national spokesperson for a group called, which is a discussion and information forum on the internet. The site has lots of very useful information surrounding the Second Amendment and also features instant information about votes taking place in the Statehouse in Springfield, as well as information on upcoming votes." ...

CA: California gun control bill in Gov. Brown's hands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Gov. Jerry Brown's desk is a bid to bar Californians from openly carrying firearms, legislation that could open a new front in the state's decades-old gun control debate."

"The measure, aimed at an increasingly popular tactic used by Second Amendment activists, would make California the first state since 1987 to outlaw the controversial practice of publicly displaying a weapon." ...

Ex-911 Commissioner: Civil Rights Suck. Guns? What Guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Illinois Gov. James Thompson has a few things to say about his work on the 9/11 Commission and the current state of America�s defenses against terrorism. 'Our credit card companies know more about us than the government does,' Thompson told the AP. 'We ought to grow up and say hey, we�re facing the kind of threat in America we have never, ever faced before. We have to adopt measures we have never, ever considered before.' Like ditching our Constitutional rights? Didn�t we already do that? And here�s something Thompson and his fellow commissars never mentioned: civilian gun ownership . . ." ...

CA: California cop placed on leave in wake of third brutality allegation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" A police officer in Fullerton, California, whom an attorney accuses of brutality in the death of a homeless man this summer and two arrest cases last year, has been placed on paid leave, a police spokesman announced Friday."

"Sgt. Andrew Goodrich identified the officer as Kenton Hampton, but he declined to confirm whether Hampton is among six officers involved in the arrest of Kelly Thomas, a 37-year-old homeless man who died five days after allegedly being beaten by police this summer. That death is under investigation by the FBI and the Orange County District Attorney."

"But Hampton was involved in two incidents last year in which two men are accusing Hampton of brutality and false arrest, Goodrich told CNN." ...

CA: Disabled woman's lawsuit alleges excessive force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An 18-year-old developmentally disabled woman filed a federal civil rights lawsuit Friday against the Alameda County sheriff's office, saying deputies used excessive force when they tackled her and shocked her with a stun gun at a Castro Valley mental health center."

"Sapreena Fowler, who has the mental capacity of a 4-year-old, was forcibly restrained during a confrontation Feb. 8 ..."

"Fowler ... spent two nights at Santa Rita Jail in Dublin and was charged with resisting an officer and battery ... The charges were eventually dropped."

"'In over 20 years of prosecuting civil rights cases against police, this is one of the most shocking abuses of a vulnerable person I have seen,' said Fowler's attorney, Michael Haddad." ...

CA: Former APD officer accused of rape takes plea deal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A plea deal prosecutors say was prompted by a loophole in state law resulted in the promise of a maximum one-year jail sentence today for a former Anderson police officer charged with kidnapping and raping a woman he was taking to jail."

"Under the plea bargain Bryan Benson pleaded no contest to assault by a public officer and soliciting a lewd act."

"Benson, 27, was arrested last year after being accused of raping a Millville woman he was taking to jail. He had faced life in prison if tried and convicted of the original charges." ...

TX: Ex-constable charged with attempted sex assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Central Texas law officer who quit last week after being charged with kidnapping has been accused of trying to rape another female."

"College Station police say the second young woman came forward after hearing news reports about the first case." ...

IL: Strict eavesdropping law ruled unconstitutional in Illinois case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Illinois judge ruled the state�s eavesdropping law unconstitutional as applied to a man who faced up to to 75 years in prison for secretly recording his encounters with police officers and a judge."

"'A statute intended to prevent unwarranted intrusions into a citizen�s privacy cannot be used as a shield for public officials who cannot assert a comparable right of privacy in their public duties,' the judge wrote in his decision dismissing the five counts of eavesdropping charges against defendant Michael Allison." ...

TX: Mom Says Prickly School Cop Killed Her Son
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 14-year-old boy got into a fight at a school bus stop and the school district's police officer responded by shooting him to death, the boy's mother says. She says the cop had been reprimanded 16 times in the previous 4 years, suspended without pay 5 times, and 'recommended for termination for insubordination," but the school kept him on the force "without remedial training.'" ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: "I saw some teenagers fighting some years back at the bus stop outside elder feral son Uday's preschool as I dropped him off. That's the kind of stuff adults shouldn't tolerate. I simply got out of my car, walked up to them and calmly but firmly told them to stop, which they did. It just never occurred to me that I could simply shoot them."

OH: Lakewood woman's lawsuit forces police to return confiscated firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On August 30, the Cleveland Scene reported that after having attempted to get police to return her collection of firearms for an entire year, a Lakewood, OH veteran was finally forced to file a lawsuit against the police department, which had confiscated the collection from her home when she was away." ...

WA: Buckley councilman charged with child rape
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"Pierce County prosecutors on Thursday filed child rape charges against a longtime Buckley City Council member, alleging he inappropriately touched a 7-year-old girl."

"Randy R. Reed, 54, was charged with first-degree child rape and first-degree child molestation. A summons has been issued for him to appear Sept. 29 in Pierce County Superior Court for his arraignment."

"A message left for Reed on Thursday was not returned. In an interview with investigators he said he didn�t recall any time he inappropriately touched the girl or had her touch him." ...

HI: TSA fires 28 Honolulu bag screeners after probe
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"The Transportation Security Administration has fired or suspended dozens of employees at Honolulu�s airport after an investigation found workers there hadn�t been screening checked bags for explosives."

"The agency said Friday that 28 workers have been �removed,� 15 have been suspended, and three have resigned or retired. The cases of two other employees are being decided." ...

Coming to an NFL stadium near you: �Enhanced� pat downs
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Fresh off Sunday night�s taser-fueled fan violence at Metlife Stadium in New Jersey, the NFL will conduct pat downs from the ankles up this season."

"In the past, the pat downs went from the waist up." ...

WA: Arrests in Kent shootout highlight gang problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four men are now in jail and two more are being sought for their involvement in the July 23 shootout at a Kent low-rider car show; a blast-o-rama that left a dozen people injured and gun prohibitionists blaming gun owners and firearms rights for an incident that was totally gang-related."

"This column discussed the case back in July, noting that this sort of thing doesn�t happen at gun shows."

"A detailed narrative of the investigation is attached to court papers linked by the Seattle Times. It�s quite interesting reading. Done by a Kent police detective, the report reveals that rival members of three gangs were apparently involved ..." ...

IN: Students, faculty celebrate Constitution Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The American flag fluttered in the wind gently behind a group of students and faculty as they publicly read the United States constitution in celebration of Constitution Day this afternoon."

"Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787. The holiday was established in 2004." ...

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. � H.L. MENCKEN

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