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Previously unknown program of strict gun control made public by news agency
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Importantly, and lending teeth to the measure, '[t]hose who violate the rules, resulting in stern consequences, are subject to administrative and criminal liabilities.'�

WA: Police use Taser on deaf crime victim
Submitted by: Anonymous

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KIRO TV�s investigative unit has discovered Tacoma police used force to arrest and handcuff an innocent deaf woman after she called 911 for their help.
Instead of an apology, she ended up bloody and in jail for nearly three days without an interpreter before a prosecutor declined to press charges.
After months of digging, investigative reporter Chris Halsne found significant discrepancies in the official police version of events leading up to Lashonn White�s arrest. ...
If Tacoma police want to explain their side of the story, we'll have a follow-up.

WA: Deaf woman calls 911, gets zapped with Taser
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A Tacoma woman, deaf since birth, claims police officers zapped her with a Taser, handcuffed her and arrested her after she called police for help.

The call to 911 last April was done with a special telephone. An interpreter trained in sign language gave a dispatcher Lashonn White's information that she was being assaulted.

KIRO TV reports that internal police records seem to show that responding officers were told the victim was deaf and given the names of the victim and her attacker.

When officers arrived, White ran out of her apartment to meet police. That's when she was hit with the Taser.

In his report, one officer claims he yelled at White to stop and held up his right hand as a signal. But a neighbor, interviewed by KIR

3D printing may spell the beginning of the end for gun control
Submitted by: John Pierce

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The lower receiver of the gun pictured at the top of this article was not purchased from a licensed dealer, nor was it purchased from an individual.

This lower was �printed� using a 3D printer and it may spell the beginning of the end for the gun control movement.

And thanks to engineer Michael Guslick, who �printed� the lower pictured above from a design of his own creation, 3D printing of functional firearms has moved beyond the realm of the possible into the actual; and things will never be the same again.

NY: Sen. Michael Gianaris Prepares Gun Control Package
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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State Sen. Michael Gianaris points to recent gun violence in New York City, not to mention the Colorado massacre, as he crafts a package of bills to give New York the country�s toughest gun laws. And that was before a gunman opened fire at a Sikh temple in Milwaukee. Gianaris, a top Senate Democrat from Queens, puts at the centerpiece of his legislative program a bill to limit handgun purchases in the Empire State to one per person per month � a move supporters say would help to curtail gun trafficking.

NY: Peralta: 'It's time to stand up to the NRA'
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The Republican-led State Senate should reconvene in Albany and pass gun control legislation, say a variety of New York City and state-level Democrats. Recent weeks have seen high profile shootings of Bronx children, coming with a concern that unacceptable gun violence has spread into formerly safe neighborhoods.

What Judge Reinhardt missed
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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Eugene Volokh�s post below discusses a dissent by the Ninth Circuit�s Judge Reinhardt in a capital sentencing case. Judge Reinhardt accurately states that carrying a gun is a Second Amendment right, to make the broader point that carrying a gun is not, in itself, illegitimate behavior. Judge Reinhardt could have strengthened his opinion by citing two cases in which the U.S. Supreme Court reversed capital convictions because the district court had improperly treated gun carrying as evidence of malign, homicidal intent.

NY: After Shootings, a Push for Tougher Gun Laws
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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In the wake of mass shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin and an uptick in gun violence in New York City, lawmakers are planning a new push in Albany to win approval of tighter gun laws in New York State.

CA: Intruder shot dead at Oakland grow house
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An armed intruder was shot and killed early Monday morning after reportedly breaking into a downtown Oakland home where marijuana was being grown, police said.

Ban Gunowners
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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Guns owners are disrespectful of authority. A failure to rely on authorities is an invariable sign of improper and overly independent attitudes. The mere fact that they gather together to talk about guns at gun shops, gun shows, shooting ranges, and on the internet means that they have some plot going against us normal people. A gun owner has no right to associate with another gun owner.

Ed.: For the satirically-challenged, this is satire.

Lautenberg�s ammo ban bill would strip away long-standing privacy protections
Submitted by: John Pierce

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The bill would be an absolute nightmare for gun owners. It would require that all ammunition sales occur �in person�, effectively ending online sales of ammo. But that is not all. Under the bill, private sales of ammunition would be completely banned while ammunition sellers would be subject to the same licensure and regulation that is currently required only of manufacturers and importers.

It requires the seller to report any cumulative purchases by the same individual over a 5 day period that totals more than 1,000 rounds. Well how would they do this? What possible method could they use to insure that they knew when a given customer�s cumulative purchases over the course of 5 days total more than 1,000 rounds?

Gov. Cuomo says gun violence has reached 'undeniable point'
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Gov. Cuomo weighed in today on the national debate over control - vowing to pass new state laws to crack down on illegal gun use and violence following shooting massacres in Wisconsin and Colorado - as well as the daily carnage on New York's streets. "The gun violence has reached an undeniable point," Cuomo said. "I do believe it's time to find out what else we can do."

NJ: Lesniak: American Democracy too strong for citizens to worry about armed government
Submitted by: Anonymous

There are no comments on this story
Post Comments | Read Comments encountered state Sen. Ray Lesniak (D-20) on the steps of City Hall and asked him the following question: notwithstanding the horrors of gun violence, does he as a lawmaker, upon reflection of the 2nd Amendment, worry about denying citzens the right to bear at least as much firepower as the government?

"No," Lesniak answered. "I believe our democracy is so strong that there will never be a need for our citizens to take up arms against the government. It's illogical for small arms bearers to think they can challenge the military power wielded by the United States."

In his public remarks this morning, Lesniak said he supported more federal gun laws on the books to limit the inflow of guns from other states.

NJ: Lesniak: American Democracy too strong for citizens to worry about armed government
Submitted by: Anonymous

There are no comments on this story
Post Comments | Read Comments encountered state Sen. Ray Lesniak (D-20) on the steps of City Hall and asked him the following question: notwithstanding the horrors of gun violence, does he as a lawmaker, upon reflection of the 2nd Amendment, worry about denying citzens the right to bear at least as much firepower as the government?

"No," Lesniak answered. "I believe our democracy is so strong that there will never be a need for our citizens to take up arms against the government. It's illogical for small arms bearers to think they can challenge the military power wielded by the United States."

In his public remarks this morning, Lesniak said he supported more federal gun laws on the books to limit the inflow of guns from other states.

White House: Obama Supports Renewing Assault Weapons Ban � But Congress Won�t Act
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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President Obama supports reinstating the assault weapons ban, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters Monday, on the heels of back-to-back shooting rampages in the United States.

As a presidential candidate, Obama supported renewal of the 1994-2004 federal ban on manufacturing some semi-automatic weapons for civilian use. But he hasn�t pushed for it as president, largely steering clear of the issue.

The Sikh Temple Massacre and Gun Control
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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I'm hardly an expert on Sikhism, but I am a dilettante; I know at least a little bit about a great many things, and some of the few things I know about Sikhs are relevant to a discussion of the shootings at the Sikh Gurdwara (temple) in Wisconsin and the renewed calls for "gun control" that are sure to follow.

I believe the Sikhs to be among the world's most noble and spiritual people. They are tolerant and peaceful, but they are not pacifists nor are they necessarily "non-violent". They understand that violence can be a necessity, and they have distinguished themselves as warriors, particularly on the side of their British colonial rulers during WW I and WW II.


George Zimmerman's Attorney To Address Gun Rights Activists At Second Amendment Foundation Conference
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to an e-mail sent by the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), Mark O'Mara, the defense attorney for George Zimmerman, will speak at the SAF-sponsored Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC), which will begin September 28. The conference will be held, for the first time in its 27 year history, in Florida.

Outlaw the sale of weapons of war
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As long as we continue to sell weapons of war to private citizens, mentally stable or not, massacres like Aurora, Colo., will continue. No one can shoot 72 people without the aid of a weapon that is capable of firing hundreds of rounds of ammunition in a very short time.

As long as our legislators bow to the vote of getting contributions of the NRA, and we citizens allow this, more innocent will die. Outlawing the sale of weapons of war will not sacrifice any rights we are granted by the constitution. Contact your congressman while the television pictures continue to show the horror these weapons cause.

Mass Shootings? Sure, But Did You Know To Run Away?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Could there be a better sign of how accustomed to mass shootings we have become? We no longer view these atrocities as surprising. We actually expect them.

What else can be concluded from a six-minute public service video, produced by the City of Houston with a $200,000 federal grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, that suggests methods for surviving a mass shooting.

OH: Solution is not for all to carry arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If all of us carried arms and some incident erupted in a crowd, can we trust each other's judgment to follow the NRA's own prescription to "think first, shoot second"?
Reporters say the alleged shooter at Aurora was acting out a fantasy. I think it is fantasy to equate safety with more guns in more settings not traditionally associated with bearing arms.

WA: It's our right to control our arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I know people feel the need to place blame in times of grief and that makes firearms an easy scapegoat but please just reflect on what you are really giving up when you demand the public be disarmed. Further restrictions on guns might make you feel like we are doing something but it is not that easy nor will it solve the problem of a deranged or misguided individual acting in other methods.

George Zimmerman lawyer to speak at Orlando gun-rights conference, group says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mark O'Mara, George Zimmerman's lead defense attorney, will speak at gun-rights conference next month in Orlando, according to the Second Amendment Foundation, one of the organizations hosting the event.

The 27th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport hotel Sept. 28-30, according the SAF website. The foundation's main office in Washington confirmed O'Mara's planned attendance.

US can find agreement on common-sense gun policies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There is an obvious need for tighter gun restrictions. It is well within the capacity of the political system to produce legislation to monitor and restrict the weapons used in such mass killings, but the political headwinds against it are so strong that neither presidential candidate has taken it up. In that leadership vacuum, it may still be possible to find consensus on a few measures to make it easier for police to track potential killers, and limit their ability to commit mass murder.

OH: Shootings in unsuspecting places raise security, gun safety questions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Cynthia Campbell advocates for more public awareness too, but takes self-defense one step further.

"If the confrontation is brought to you and you have no other way, you have to protect yourself and your family," said Campbell, owner of Commence Firearms in Cleveland.

Campbell teaches gun safety and concealed-carry permit courses, and each week, she said her classes are full.

In a Society Overrun With Guns, How Free Is the First Amendment?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The latest news reports from Wisconsin indicate that the gunman in the temple shooting may have had ties to white supremacist organizations. In fact, hate groups have increased in number by 70 percent since the year 2000, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups. But hate exists in every country. We didn't invent hatred or fear of the Other. The difference is that in America, guns -- even military-grade assault weapons -- are legal and easy to acquire. Hate, plus unregulated guns, is a deadly equation. And one that has the potential to curtail free expression.

TX: Texas Man Shoots Home Invader in Self-Defense!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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They say that what you know can�t hurt you, but in this case that definitely doesn�t apply. The would be-thief�s ignorance nearly cost him his life. The robber broke into the house and confronted the home owner at the top of the stairs. The thief then charged �towards (the home owner) at a rapid pace,� said Tilley, forcing the home owner to raise his gun in self-defense.

The home owner shot at least one round at the robber, striking him. The suspect quickly fled from the residence � the first and only smart thing that he�d done all day.

Houston Video On How To Survive Shooting Incidents Goes Viral
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Danny Davis, a director of the homeland-security graduate program at Texas A&M University in College Station, said he thinks Houston officials were remiss for sidestepping the issue. �Had one person, male or female, had a weapon in that theater, maybe so many people would not have died,� he said.

But Houston officials said they decided not to include a segment advising people who might be armed to use their guns because the video is meant to address the widest possible audience; they said fewer than 3% of Texans have a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

On guns, Obama and Romney hard to pin down
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney signed a state law banning assault weapons and hiked gun license fees by 300 percent. During his US Senate run in 1994, Romney endorsed a federal assault weapons ban and also backed the Brady Bill, which required background checks on people who purchase guns from federally licensed dealers.

In the Illinois Senate, Barack Obama supported outlawing all semiautomatic weapons � including the type of pistol wielded by Wade Michael Page when he shot dead six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin on Sunday. As an early-term president, Obama said he would work to renew the federal assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004.

WA: Public Matters program Monday evening targets guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Public television stations in Seattle and Yakima will air a one-hour program Monday evening that looks at gun control and gun rights from both sides, with appearances by Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation, KOMO commentator John Carlson, State Sen. Pam Roach and this columnist.

It's the Public Matters program, and it's worth a peek. Also on camera are KIRO�s Dave Ross, Washington Ceasefire�s Ralph Fascitelli, U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan, former King County Sheriff Sue Rahr, State Rep. Jamie Pedersen, and Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes.

...If a man lies under oath or procures the lie of another under oath, if he perjures himself or suborns perjury, he is guilty under the statute law. Under the higher law, under the great law of morality and righteousness, he is precisely as guilty if, instead of lying in a court, he lies in a newspaper or on the stump; and in all probability, the evil effects of his conduct are infinitely more widespread and more pernicious. � Teddy Roosevelt - May 12, 1900

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