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Newslinks for 8/16/2012

Shipley documents point to more government-sanctioned gunwalking
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'The address on Lopez�s license is in Juarez, Mexico,' the source pointed out. 'It is illegal to sell a firearm to a resident of Mexico. [The] FFL would not [participate in the sale of] a firearm to a non-immigrant unless it was done with the permission of the ATF to further an ongoing investigation.'" ...

Big Guns Inside the National Rifle Association Leadership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With some 4 million members and annual revenues of $228 million, according to the most recent figures available, the National Rifle Association is one of the country�s most influential and powerful lobbying groups. ..."

"The group is credited with successfully lobbying for, and in some cases helping to draft, Stand Your Ground laws and legislation that allows people to carry concealed weapons in public. In the 2012 cycle, so far the NRA has funneled nearly half a million dollars� worth of contributions to hundreds of congressmen ... The NRA�s relentless work to protect Second Amendment rights, even in the wake of recent deadly shootings, has drawn criticism from groups that advocate gun control and nonviolence." ...

Does the DHS know something we don't?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some Northwest gun rights activists are wondering whether the Department of Homeland Security is quietly preparing for a civil war, following this week�s revelation about a plan to purchase 750 million rounds of ammunition."

"That's enough to bury the Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club range out by Snoqualmie Falls, in just spent brass." ...

Arkansas's gun control "debate"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In past Examiner articles, I have written about Arkansas journalists and their biased slant concerning gun rights issues. Recent columns (here and here) written by prominent Arkansas correspondent Steve Barnes are a glaring example of that ingrained one-sided attitude of the state�s media against self-defense rights." ...

Public Support for Second Amendment Remains Strong
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two-thirds of Americans still support the Second Amendment right to bear arms, but a narrow majority also supports passing stricter gun control laws, according to a new survey taken following the recent mass shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin."

"The poll, conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute between August 8-12, revealed three-quarters of people believe concealed guns should be banned from churches, government buildings and college campuses." ...

Submitter's Note: Yes that makes perfect sense because mass shootings never happen at schools, churches (or temples), Post Offices or other public buildings.[/sarcasm]

Says stricter gun control wrong way to stop crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is in response to a July 26 editorial regarding gun control. I doubt I have read an editorial in my life that was as devoid of reason."

"Yes, gun control is a matter of life and death, but not for the article's stated issues. Putting aside emotion and political expediency, facts are facts and the author of the piece chose not to consider them."

"If the interested observer cared to find the truth regarding gun control, he would get a copy of John Lott's 'More Guns, Less Crime.' Or, if that would be too difficult, simply Google the crime stats in the UK and Australia for the years following their gun bans." ...

Don�t mess with my guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I feel certain that, by now, most adult American citizens are aware of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States that guarantees the right to keep and bear arms by its citizens. ... the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the Second Amendment does in fact guarantee that private citizens have the right to own guns. ..."

"That should have been the final thing, settled, over and done with. Not so. Several large cities and districts, in a blatant attempt to get around or side-step the Supreme Court�s ruling, have instituted local laws and ordinances to prevent or impair gun ownership and use ... In my opinion, the people who did these things should be prosecuted for contempt of court." ...

Associated Press Perpetuates �Assault Weapon� Lie in Journalist�s Stylebook
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While performing research for an article about modern sporting rifles, I stumbled upon the Associated Press (AP) 'Stylebook', that appears to be the foundation of where the 'assault weapon' lie originates in journalism." ...

Gun Rant Letter to Editor: So Many Errors, So Little Time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Robert Scroggins of Edina, MN has penned a letter (remember those?) to the Minnesota Strib. It�s brief, but packs a huge number of misconceptions, errors and outright falsehoods in a really small space. He gets off on the wrong foot with this gem, 'The Second Amendment guarantees the right to own and bear arms, and I am not against hunters, sportsmen and people who want self-protection from exercising those rights. But government has a right and a duty to protect innocent people.' That�s mighty big of you Bob, allowing me to exercise my natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil, and Constitutional rights, but, here�s a news flash . . ." ...

HuffPo Isn't Totally Worthless
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While I may think that Arianna Huffington is a parasite whose political leanings change with the wind and that her Huffington Post is usually full of tripe, it does have its uses. For example, in a story about a local Tea Party group, I found out that they are having a machine gun social." ...

Americans Are Snatching Up Russian AK-47s In record Numbers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I'll never forget the first thing my ex-wife's father said to me: 'Wanna go shoot an AK?'"

"I obliged."

"It turns out Americans are turning to AK 's in droves to fill their home armories."

"Russia doesn't mind, and neither do it's arms companies, like Izhmash, which are quickly shifting from military to civilian fabrication in order to fill all the orders."

"Overall it's been a good deal for American enthusiasts, and for Russian investors, since existing laws banning Chinese imports essentially subsidizes Russian businesses." ...

2nd Amendment Spike: nation sees upswing in gun, ammo sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What if?"

"It�s a question that inevitably crosses millions of minds every day, but in the wake of the tragedies in Aurora, Colo., and Milwaukee, Wis., the what ifs in recent weeks have revolved around firearms, ammunition and the laws that surround them from state to state.
What if gun laws were stricter? What if someone kept track of how much ammunition the suspect had been purchasing over the past several months? What if citizens were stripped of Second Amendment rights?"

"Or what if someone in the theater had his or her concealed weapons license and was carrying that evening? Could a legitimate gun owner have prevented these shootings by taking out the assailant?" ...

July sees 25.5% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year; 26th straight month over month increase
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The July 2012 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 853,355 is an increase of 25.5 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 680,258 in July 2011. For comparison, the unadjusted July 2012 NICS figure of 1,289,585 reflects an 12.4 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,147,355 in July 2011." ...

Gun Review: Colt LE 6920 Advanced Law Enforcement Carbine (VIDEO)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I don�t know what�s come over me lately. I used to stand removed from the swarm of tactically clad gun-nuts who speak what I thought was some sort of gibberish while drooling over their indistinguishable black rifles. I didn�t care much for their debates, and I certainly wasn�t about to pledge that fraternity. Then I got my hands on a really nice AR-15. Though it felt somewhat like a toy (I am large; it is small), I didn�t want to put it down. And then I pulled the trigger. Now I know. I understand." ...

The Steyr GB: The Proto-Wondernine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Forgotton Weapons blog got a hold of photos of one of gun history's most successful failures. The Steyr GB, produced for a limited time in the U.S. by LES Incorporated as the Rogak P-18, was revolutionary in more ways than one."

"Not only was it a truly high-capacity 9mm handgun, feeding from 18-round magazines, the highest at the time, it used an inspired gas-delayed blowback operation that used the barrel as a gas piston." ...

Self-Defense Lessons from Aurora�s Midnight Movie Massacre Pt. 1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As seekers of knowledge, we look to these events not to criticize, but to analyze. We do not necessarily seek to assign blame, but rather seek to locate the decision points where things could have been done differently to get a more desirable outcome. How can we grow as problem solvers to be come better at solving problems? When I look at something like the Aurora, CO theater killings, I think that most of us have only a few options available to mitigate the damage to others and ourselves . . ." ...

Edward Wasserman: �Impossible to Imagine Aurora without Hollywood�
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Quick note: I don�t make this stuff up. Day after day, month after month, I click onto anti-gun screeds that make no sense whatsoever. The overarching theme is unmistakable: anything that 'allows' civilian gun ownership is inherently flawed; anything that 'promotes' civilian gun ownership is deeply evil. All gun laws that aren�t completely insurmountable by law-abiding citizens fall into the flawed category. The National Rifle Association (a.k.a, the 'gun lobby') is the poster child for evil. Needless to say, gun grabbing Miami Herald columnist Edward Wasserman is down with saying down with the NRA. But he demotes the gun rights group to number two slot in his post-Aurora rant . . ." ...

Shalom Auslander: American Gun Owners Are Under-Endowed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" writer Shalom Auslander has a 'solution' to the 'problem' of 'handgun proliferation.' In a column designed to titillate gun grabbers and antagonize gun rights advocates Auslander asserts that, well, here�s his take on a popular pro-gun slogan: 'Guns don�t kill people; I have a small dick.' ... [H]is analysis of male gun owners� reproductive anatomy is carefully calculated to enrage Americans exercising their Constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms. The author of Foreskin�s Lament presents an encounter with a driver he calls a 'Cockasaurus' and offers a Swifitan proposal to 'fix' the satirical (one assumes) issue of gun love and penis size . . ." ...

Don�t gun owners want protection?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thanks to Doug Schultz for continuing the discussion on the important issue of gun control."

"Although it is not true that I am 'bemoaning' the Second Amendment (I support it), nor am I blaming guns for the violence (I recommend it be the owners who are held responsible), Doug seemed to completely miss my point: As we enjoy this freedom, we should acknowledge that the freedom is not free � it costs us more than 80 innocent deaths per day, the equivalent of 47 Aurora tragedies every week. (See 'Shooting deaths cost every family,' July 28.)"

"Surely the lost lives of 12 Americans every four hours in our country are just as valuable as the victims in Aurora. What are we doing to protect them?" ...

NRA, lawmakers on a string, profits from every gunman's rampage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is frightening that one organization owns so many politicians it can essentially get away with murder and treason. This organization stopped a bill banning sales of arms to individuals on the Terrorist Watch List. Now all suspected terrorists can legally buy arms."

"This group forced the lifting of the ban on sales of automatic weapons, allowing Mac-10s and AK-15s to be purchased by anyone who had the price. As a result, teenagers, bored with killing small mammals with their father's .22-caliber rifle now had access to weapons to create havoc." ...

Submitter's Note: Seriously, I can't make this sh!t up.

Armed to the Teeth: Gun Ownership in America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America has the most heavily armed citizens in the world, and when you look at the numbers you begin to understand their citizens are packing some serious heat. Since its conception, the Second Amendment � guaranteeing the 'right to bear arms' � has been a controversial clause. It was invoked in a time when America was still a relatively new country, and there was still much lawlessness throughout its lands that required such a mandate� and the Wild Wild West was still to be won." ...

Submitter's Note: Heck, the Wild Mid-West was still to be won.

AR: Fayetteville becomes a Second Amendment City - not as cool as Tree City USA, perhaps, and certainly nothing to be proud of
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Like 'Ancient Astronaut Theorists,' many Second Amendment advocates will often provide 'evidence' that [criminal] shooting incidents like the above are 'isolated incidents,' and that we should, perhaps, be covering the more positive aspects of gun ownership, as in when gangs of marauders are held off by gun owning citizens, or store owners defend themselves against armed robbers."

"And ... there have been establishments whose owners have been able to fend off those who would rob them." ...

"The bitter truth, which is lost in all the smoke and mirrors of their protestations, is that the 'isolated incidents' are outnumbering the times when innocent people are able to defend themselves." ...

Submitter's Note: No, the bitter truth (for you antis, anyway) is that there are more than a million defensive gun uses a year. This is not based on some "gun nut" study, but a study performed by anti-gun activists Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig.

SCANDALOUS: Treasure Hunter�s Roadshow shutting down�
Submitted by: John Boch

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"It�s been a bad couple of years for little Jeffrey Parsons, who first surfaced on the Guns Save Life radar in 2010 when his show rolled into Champaign-Urbana, IL and offered one of our Colt collectors $225 for a pair of $10,000+ Civil War-era Colts." ...

"... Julie Watts with CBS station KPIX in San Francisco revisits an undercover investigation first reported in May, uncovering fraud at one of America�s largest gold-buying companies. Buyers for the company, THR and Associates, were shortchanging cash strapped customers by lying about the quality of their gold jewelry. Following the reports of six CBS stations across the U.S., THR and Associates has shut down and is currently the focus of several state and federal investigations." ...

GA: Macon store employee shoots car burglar in Academy Sports parking lot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Academy Sports employee shot a man in a fight outside the store early Tuesday morning after finding the man rummaging through his 1993 Honda Accord."

"After completing his shift at 1 a.m., Emmanuel Monroe walked into the parking lot ... and saw 51-year-old Charles Stinson Jr. inside his car ..."

"Monroe, 27, confronted Stinson, asking what he was doing in the car. ... Stinson replied, 'I did not know it was your car,' according to the report."

"A struggle broke out and Stinson ran off. Meanwhile, Monroe retrieved his gun from underneath the center console of the car. He told police that Stinson seemed to reach for something and he fired three shots from his .38 caliber revolver, according to the report." ...

Kasich and Romney school media: Gun bans don't work
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Both Governor John Kasich and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney are rejecting gun ban extremists' recent calls for new legislation in the wake of two multiple victim public shootings in 'no-gun' zones."

"Kasich is proving that his words spoken during the 2010 campaign, when he admitted he was 'wrong' about his reasons for voting for the 1994 federal Clinton Gun Ban, weren't just election year rhetoric." ...

NRA board member dangerously wrong about possible Obama gun control threat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRA board member Grover Norquist recently stated his doubt that President Obama, given a second term, would slowly take away the Second Amendment rights of American citizens. This view is in direct contradiction to the organization's CEO, Wayne LaPierre, who proposed that Obama's secret strategy in his second term would be to 'get busy dismantling and destroying our firearms freedom.' Mr. Norquist is gravely mistaken in his view that there is no threat to the Second Amendment rights of Americans." ...

CA: Federal Assault Weapons Ban Should Be Reinstated, Panel Says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congress needs to reinstate the federal ban on assault weapons, according to local elected and police officials who participated in a panel discussion Tuesday about gun violence and gun laws."

"Assemblyman Mike Feuer organized the discussion in response to recent gun violence in Colorado and Wisconsin. About 150 people attended the event held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art." ...

Submitter's Note: As this piece points out, in 2010 more people were beaten to death with fists than were killed with all long guns.

NY: Democrats push gun control in Albany, without much hope for consensus
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Governor Andrew Cuomo has said he wants to find a "consensus" on new gun control laws that could pass both the Republican-controlled State Senate, and the State Assembly, where Democrats have a majority."

"But Democratic lawmakers who convened at City Hall this afternoon to push a new set of gun control regulations were skeptical that they would find a willing partner in the upper chamber." ...

DHS Classifies New Ammo Purchases Following Controversy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Department of Homeland Security has redacted information relating to the quantity of bullets it is buying following a controversy concerning the agency�s purchase of over a billion rounds of ammo, which many fear is a sign the federal government is preparing for civil unrest in the United States."

"Despite the fact that documents are only supposed to be redacted if authorized by Congress or for national security reasons, a solicitation posted on the FedBizOpps website yesterday concerning ammunition purchases made by the DHS on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) contains numerous blacked out sections." ...

Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"First it was the [DHS], then it was the [NOAA], and now the Social Security Administration is set to purchase 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets[sic] that will be delivered to 41 locations across the country."

"A solicitation posted by the SSA on the FedBizOpps website asks for contractors to supply 174,000 rounds of '.357 Sig 125 grain bonded jacketed hollow point pistol ammunition.'" ...

"It�s not outlandish to suggest that the Social Security Administration is purchasing the bullets as part of preparations for civil unrest. Social security welfare is estimated to keep around 40 per cent of senior citizens out of poverty. Should the tap run dry ... domestic disorder could ensue if people are refused their benefits." ...

DC: ICE chief of staff on leave after new allegations of lewd conduct surface
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The top Homeland Security official accused of cultivating a 'frat-house'-style work environment has 'voluntarily placed herself on leave' amid an internal review, the department told late Tuesday evening -- just hours after contacted the agency about new allegations against her."

"The official, Suzanne Barr, is chief of staff for Immigration and Customs Enforcement."

"Two more ICE employees came forward this week to complain about 'lewd' conduct inside the agency, submitting sworn affidavits that depict graphic comments made by two top officials working under DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano." ...

UPDATED National Weather Service buying hollow point bullets?
Submitted by: Doug Huffman

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... "From Scott�s email:"

"Due to a clerical error in the federal business vendor process, a solicitation for ammunition and targets for the NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement mistakenly identified NOAA�s National Weather Service as the requesting office. The error is being fixed and will soon appear correctly in the electronic federal bidding system. The ammunition is standard issue for many law enforcement agencies and it will be used by 63 NOAA enforcement personnel in their firearms qualifications and training." ...

IN: Gary cop arrested, faces federal charges
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"Federal officials arrested a Gary police officer and charged him with drug trafficking and a firearm violation Tuesday, officials said."

"David Finley Jr., 31, was charged in a criminal complaint with distributing cocaine and making a straw purchase of a firearm, according to a news release from the U.S. attorney's office." ...

PA: These Philadelphians Want Gun Permits
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Last weekend, Philadelphia�s Department of Licenses and Inspections, an agency not usually known for its transparency and user-friendliness, unveiled a new web app that displays licensing, permit and violation information on a (relatively) easy-to-use interactive map. One of the more interesting aspects to this new data transparency is an array of gun permit appeals, essentially a list of Philadelphians who have been denied a gun permit or had their permit revoked and who have appealed to have the decision overturned."

"The appeal information contained therein includes the appellant name, street address, and grounds for appeal ..." ...

NY: In Police-Stop Data, Pockets Where Force Is Used More Often
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The crowded neighborhoods of the West Bronx come alive at night. Residents, young and old, cluster around door stoops. Teenagers fill playground basketball courts. Police officers from the nearby 44th and 46th Precincts patrol the streets, from time to time stopping and frisking young men, mostly black and Latino. And when they do, statistics show, they use physical force far more often than they do anywhere else in the city." ...

"... People who have been stopped say that if they show the slightest bit of resistance, even verbally, they can find themselves slammed against walls, forced to the ground and, on rarer occasions, with officers� guns pointed at their heads." ...

NY: NYPD big sued for raiding B�klyn pub & dumping its booze
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"He's no Eliot Ness."

"An NYPD commander is being sued for raiding the wrong Brooklyn speakeasy and dumping the entire stock of booze � Prohibition-style � down a kitchen drain, a new lawsuit charges."

"The bar, Coco66, has been out of business since Deputy Inspector Terence Hurson and his band of raiders from the 94th Precinct hit the Greenpoint hipster bar on July 10, 2011, according to the suit filed in Brooklyn Federal Court." ...

CO: Caught on tape: Colorado gay man wrongfully arrested on guns charge (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last month, a Colorado Springs man leaving a gay pride parade calmly explained to police officers who were threatening to beat him that the his Second Amendment rights to carry a firearm were being violated."

"Three weeks later, the Colorado Springs Police Department has publicly agreed with J.R. Sorensen."

"'He was right and we were in the wrong, definitely,' police spokeswoman Barbara Miller told the Colorado Springs Gazette. Colorado Springs Police did not return calls from FOX31 seeking comment." ...

KS: Police respond to gunshots at former chief�s house
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lawrence police early Thursday responded to the home of former Police Chief Ron Olin after dispatchers received a call saying he was having a reaction to medication and he was firing a gun." ...

"[Current Chief] Khatib on Monday did not identify the parties in the incident, but he did defend the department�s response to the incident. He said that several officers were sent to the area based on the initial information in the call and that police gathered facts as the incident progressed and came to a conclusion."

"'It was treated in an above-board way,' he said. 'There was no preferential treatment.'" ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: I'm sure they can produce many cases, nationwide, where a non-"Only One" having a "medical emergency" has been treated with similar compassion.

Just ask the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office!

PA: State trooper faces formal arraignment for fatal DUI crash on Turnpike
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Pennsylvania State Police trooper must answer to charges in Montgomery County Court that he allegedly drove drunk and slammed into another car, killing a woman on the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Upper Dublin." ...

IL: Sheriff's Deputy Held on Child Pornography Charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A McHenry County sheriff's sergeant has been arrested on federal charges he produced child pornography and distributed it over the Internet."

"Gregory M. Pyle was arrested Tuesday and is being held without bond until a detention hearing Friday, according to the Northwest Herald."

"Pyle was arrested in February for allegedly taking a 10-year-old to Wisconsin in 2008 to sexually abuse the boy and produce child pornography ..." ...

GA: Most officers in trouble weren�t charged despite evidence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Steve Bebb campaigned for 10th Judicial District attorney general in 2006 as a friend to the police, and many returned the regard."

"In the six years since his election, Bebb has proved extremely reluctant to prosecute officers accused of misbehavior, records show."

"His office did charge two Cleveland, Tenn., police officers after an investigation showed they were having sex with teenage girls and abusing prescription drugs. Both pleaded guilty to statutory rape and other charges in 2010, newspaper archives show."

"However, the Times Free Press looked at 10 other cases in which officers were investigated for misconduct and found only two in which Bebb brought charges. ..." ...

KY: Officer faces misconduct charges; accused of receiving sexual favors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Lexington police officer has been charged with misconduct for allegedly receiving sexual favors from a woman and failing to charge her with a crime after finding drug paraphernalia in her purse."

"Sgt. Robert Brown was criminally charged with one count of first-degree official misconduct and two counts of second-degree official misconduct, said Jason Rothrock, director of prosecution at the Fayette County Attorney's office. Brown could not be reached for comment Thursday night." ...

TX: Second same as First
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colin Cummings� letter to the editor (�Entering gun fray,� Aug. 7) deserves a response."

"'What is the purpose of the Second Amendment?' It is the same as Cummings� First Amendment letter to the Globe-News. One cannot understand the purpose of the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights unless first understanding there are only three Rules of Law." ...

IA: With our rights come responsibility
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Trembling amid the toxic muck and mire of ignorance, fear, insecurity, intolerance, hate and rage, our society is again left searching the remnants of our collective, anguished national soul after yet another mass shooting; another hate crime."

"Our problems certainly run deeper than guns and the regulation thereof, although sanity suggests that policy is clearly overdue on this front. Unfortunately, the tired excuse that we aren't going to be able to take up gun control legislation 'because Congress lacks the votes' rings hollow." ...

WA: Thank goodness for technology
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to Howard Leighty's Aug. 8 letter, 'Accept amendment's original intent,' of course the Second Amendment was based on the technology of the day -- the deadliest, most modern technology of the day. ..." ...

IL: Protect 2nd Amendment; attack the problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is a rebuttal to Rev. Jim Boswell�s Aug. 4 opinion article, 'Banning assault rifles no brainer.' When tragic incidents such as occurred in Colorado, we must not lose sight as to why the Second Amendment exists and cause worse problems by overreacting. The Second Amendment was not put into the constitution for recreational use of arms. The Second Amendment�s primary purpose is for 'the people' to have uninfringed rights to military arms to protect themselves from a tyranical government." ...

UK: Six Knife Murders Per Week
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'SIX people a week are stabbed to death on the streets of Broken Britain,' the reports. 'Latest figures show a shocking 332 fatalities in a year � the worst toll since records began . . . The latest figures show knife deaths have almost doubled in the last 30 years. ...'" ...

The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits. �PLUTARCH

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