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Newslinks for 8/10/2012

Concealed weapons save lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"[The] horrible shooting in Colorado occurred in yet another place where guns are banned. And that's consistent with a trend: With a single exception, every multiple-victim public shooting in the U.S. ... since at least 1950 has taken place where citizens are not allowed to carry their own firearms."

"The Cinemark movie theater in Aurora, like others run by the chain around the country, displayed warning signs that it was illegal to carry guns into the theater."

"... In other words, despite more than 4% of the adult population of Colorado having concealed handgun permits, a gunman intent on killing a lot of people could be confident that law-abiding citizens there would be sitting ducks." ...

Bloomberg Declines An Invitation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is almost as big a media whore as the senior senator from New York, Chuck Schumer. Given half a chance he'll pontificate about salt and sugar and guns and breast milk ad nauseum."

"That is why I agree with Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation and CCRKBA that it is strange that Bloomberg declined an invitation to speak at the 2012 Gun Rights Policy Conference. He would look brave for going before a group of gun rights activists and he'd get tons of publicity out of it. Moreover, while in Orlando, he could check on how his taxpayer paid MAIG regional coordinator is doing."

"Alan sent out a notice about Bloomberg's declining his invitation this afternoon." ...

Larry Pratt with Megyn Kelly on Rising Gun Sales (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fox News with Megyn Kelly � March 23, 2012 � discussing the explosion of gun sales as the 2012 presidential elections loom." ...

The Psychology of Heroism: Why Some Leap in Front of Bullets
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On Aug. 5, when a gunman drove to a Sikh temple outside Milwaukee and started shooting his 9-mm handgun, some ran and some leapt to stop him. One of the six who died was temple president Santwat Singh Kaleka, who has been hailed as a hero by witnesses who say he tried to disarm the shooter. The first cop on the scene, Brian Murphy, took nine bullets as he also tried to help. Miraculously, Murphy wasn�t killed."

"Why do some people confront danger while most scamper for the exits? Altruism emerges in many disasters. A few weeks ago, three women came forward to say they survived the cinema shooting in Aurora, Colo., because their boyfriends shielded them. All three men are dead. ..." ...

Eliot Spitzer Knows Less About Guns Than He Does About Hookers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Eliot Spitzer, who�s still known in some circles as Client No. 9, has surveyed the American political landscape regarding gun control in the wake of the Aurora and Sikh Temple shootings and has found it wanting. In a piece for Newsday yesterday, he lamented that, 'Mitt Romney hides behind a misunderstanding of the Second Amendment, and the White House blames Congress.' But like Ford, the fallen governor has a better idea � one for taking a big bite out of semi-automatic weapons sold to the public. He wants to harness the power of the marketplace . . ." ...

Second Amendment must be protected
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We have been recently been told by gun control activists of the utopian solution of accommodation to fight gun violence in this country, additionally, they claim the 2nd amendment is outdated and the government does have the authority to infringe on our right to bear arms. This idea of giving into a greater role of government regarding gun safety is not only absurd, but the lack of common sense on this issue is disturbing. This is not a left or right issue, libertarian or independent issue this is an American issue about the men and women of this country being able to defend themselves against tyranny and having the power to preserve liberty and freedom. ..." ...

U.S. Cop�s Pro-Gun Letter Sparks Canadian Condescension (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Canada is all a-Twitter re: a letter to the editor from a retired U.S. police officer living north of the border. Walt Wawra was defending the right to keep and bear arms, citing an encounter with some potential perps (or friendly Canucks). Instead, Wawra brought down a s-storm of criticism, derisive of America�s second amendment protections. First, here�s the letter published in" ...

Kim Rhode Profile Video: The Drive For 5 (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA has dedicated countless volunteer hours and dollars to supporting women within the shooting sports. Like us here at Girl�s Guide, they happen to be huge fans of the always amazing Kim Rhode. So how did Kim accomplish the incredible feat of being the first American athlete to go 5 medals in 5 Olympic games? Where does an Olympic champions journey begin? Check out this fantastic video produced by the folks over at NRA Women:" ...

Latest Edition of Absolute Rights Newsletter Enlightens on Anti-Protest Legislation, the Second Amendment, and Much More
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The semiweekly Newsletter from Absolute Rights was released Tuesday, and included vital information on rights protection and survival topics."

"The main article investigated the affect public shootings are having on the freedom to bear arms. Tim Young, Managing Editor at Absolute Rights, asks the complex questions involved in varying news coverage of different gun-related incidents. On one hand people die due to violence and on the other gun-carrying people are able to defend themselves, like the jewelry store owner from Orange County mentioned by Young." ...

China Attacks American Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The communist Chinese are trash talking our Second Amendment . . . again!"

"This time it�s not whispers in the halls of the United Nations during the 'Small Arms Treaty' conference, it�s in the commies� insulting annual report on U.S. human rights."

"From China�s report, I quote, 'The United States prioritizes the right to keep and bear arms over the protection of citizens� lives and personal security and exercises lax firearm possession control, causing rampant gun ownership.'" ...

Guns 101: What We Know And What We Don't (podcast available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent shootings in Oak Creek, Wis., and Aurora, Colo., have reignited the debate about guns and gun control in America. But beyond the talking points and heated exchanges lie real questions about guns ownership, regulation and use." ...

Question of the Day: Hold a Bad Guy At Gunpoint?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG reader Bill writes:"

"'I have a question about a particular tactical scenario. I was reading through the Armed Citizen blog at, which chronicles news stories of defensive use of firearms. One thing that came up more than a few times was a case of someone 'holding' a criminal (i.e. at gunpoint) until police arrived. This strikes me as a bad idea for several reasons . . .'" ...

Howard Leight Impact Sport Electronic Earmuffs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A couple months ago, my wonderful wife bought me a set of Howard Leight Impact Sport Electronic Earmuffs, and I�ve been testing them on and off (mostly on) since that time."

"The Impact Sport earmuffs by Howard Leight are electronic and definitely fall into the high value category. If you�ve never run electronic earmuffs before, you�re really missing out. The concept is simple � the earmuffs automatically shut off sound that is above a specified number of decibels, while allowing safe decibel levels to pass through the earmuff, and even be amplified. So if you�re shooting, you can have a conversation without shouting, while wearing earmuffs." ...

Concealed Carry Drill Part Three
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this article we are going to visit 'failure to stop drills'. After the recent shootings in Aurora, CO., I feel this drill must be discussed and practiced. What we saw in Aurora was a determined criminal bent on inflicting as many casualties as possible. ... He was wearing ballistic resistant protection; it shows his intent was to inflict as many casualties as possible; even if he encountered resistance from law enforcement or other person(s) legally carrying a concealed pistol." ...

"'Failure to Stop Drills' also as known as 'Body Armor drills', are designed to teach the shooter to direct their shots at alternative target area(s) in the event that shots fired at center mass fail to stop the assailant. ..." ...

Holster Review: Blackhawk Leather Speed Classic Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometimes the simplest things can amaze. The Blackhawk Leather Speed Classic holster amazes. Not for one specific reason, but because the sum total collection of details make this holster work. The Blackhawk Leather Speed Classic Revolver Holster demonstrates outstanding concealability, excellent retention, fast draw time, and surprising comfort." ...

Which Shooting School Is For You? How to Choose the Right Training Class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I frequently get calls and e-mails vaguely asking, 'What will I learn in this course?' Some prospective students really don�t know what questions to ask or what the right answers would be if they heard it. I have often sent people to other training schools after realizing they want to learn something my school, Tactical Response, doesn�t specialize in. I am writing this to help students make a more educated decision about which course to purchase from which school." ...

No Booger Hook Needed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For years in classes I have warned people of the danger created by plastic draw cord adjusters found in many wind jackets, vests, and similar outer wear. They have an unnerving habit of finding their way into trigger guards while someone is trying to holster, and the result is often an accidental discharge without the shooter�s finger ever touching the trigger." ...

A Most Restorative Appleseed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I hit Backwoods Home�s turf � Gold Beach, Oregon � feeling like I had one foot on bronchial pneumonia and the other on a banana peel. Thanks to some powerful antibiotics, Lenie Duffy�s incomparable Jewish Mother�s Chicken Soup, and a bunch of good people, I left feeling a whole lot better."

"The weekend saw Backwoods Home host what I�m told is the largest Appleseed event in the history of Oregon, and one of the largest ever on the west coast. Many thanks to Ted Fitzgerald, who graciously donated the use of the range where it took place. ..." ...

Editorial Stupidity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot published an editorial today entitled "Don't surrender to such violence". While there were things I could agree with in it such as increased funding for mental health and substance abuse programs, there were some parts that just were beyond the pale. I certainly disagree with their support for the Southern Poverty Law Center which, to be frank, exists primarily to keep founder Morris Dees living in the style to which he has become accustomed."

"However, the really egregious part of the editorial was this:" ...

Gun Control: It's Time to Challenge the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let's start with a small exercise. Go to the web and look for images of Middle Eastern militants carrying machine guns and training in the desert, and then look up images for homegrown American militias training for battle in some wooded compound in the heartland."

"Here is what you will notice -- the nationalities, uniforms, and setting may be different but the weapons and the paranoid, jingoistic, violent temperament are exactly the same."

"Now, let's talk about the Second Amendment." ...

OR: Let the people take the Constitution back from the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first half of the Second Amendment states: 'A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people ... '"

"Well-regulated means, 'To control or direct by a rule, method, etc.'"

"The people as in 'We the people' and 'the right of the people' refers to the people as a collective Republic, not as a single, and possibly demented, individual."

"But the National Rifle Association doesn�t want anyone to know the original intent of the Second Amendment." ...

Gun owners support some controls
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In 2009, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) asked my firm to conduct a poll to see whether gun owners and NRA members (past or present) held similar views. The results unmistakably pointed to the conclusion that, contrary to the pervasive perception, gun owners � including members of the NRA � overwhelmingly supported a fair number of common-sense gun measures." ...

Submitter's Note: That's because the majority of people, whether or not they own guns, are not familiar with how anti-freedom these "common sense" measures are. For example while most people will support "closing the gun show loophole", very few would support the actual proposed implementation of that law which would charge gun show operators with a felony if a single "unauthorized" (i.e. not on their list) person offered a gun for sale.

How the Government Could Limit Guns Immediately
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"It happened again, for the second time in just over two weeks�the horror of a gun-wielding maniac wreaking havoc and death. The attack in Oak Creek, Wis., was motivated by a right-wing racist agenda, one that blames 'others' for the problems of the sick individual who pulled the trigger. Yes, people pull the trigger�but guns are the instrument of death."

"Gun control is necessary, and delay means more death and horror." ...

AL: Assault weapons out of control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There seem to be a lot of things out of control these days. I will not try to address all of those I can think of, just one that has been much in the news lately � use and control of automatic weapons and ammunition."

"There seems to be an increase in gun violence with assault or military-type weapons.The U.S. Constitution�s Second Amendment is a favorite argument used by politicians, anti-gun control advocates and the National Rifle Association in opposition to sensible and reasonable gun-control measures. I don�t believe our Founding Fathers had this type of weapon or ammunition in mind when they wrote about the right to bear arms." ...

10 Things Gun Guys Never Say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every gun guy knows the list of things you should never do with a gun. Don�t point it at anything you don�t intend to shoot for instance . If you have been around gun guys as long as I have you can spot a wanna-be gun guy quickly. Sometimes it�s their actions, other times it�s with their words. Here are 10 statements a real gun guy will never say." ...

New ballistic standard helps tie guns to criminals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thanks to a new reference standard developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), law enforcement agencies will have an easier time linking the nearly 200,000 cartridge cases recovered annually at U.S. crime scenes to specific firearms." ...

Submitter's Note: I foresee an uptick in sales of these.

SC: Gun Shop Owner Shoots All 3 Men Who Drove a Car Into His Shop to Rob It
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three men wanted to rob a gun store, so they decided to drive their vehicle through one of the walls of the shop in the middle of the night. The shop owner happens to live near his store and when he was alerted by his silent alarm he promptly arrived at the store and shot all three would be robbers. One of the men died at the scene and the other 2 were captured nearby after fleeing in the vehicle. Both men were wounded and are being treated at an area hospital." ...

NV: Homeowner Shoots 1 of 2 Home Invaders in Buttocks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Details are still emerging, but it appears a NV homeowner has shot 1 of possibly 2 home invaders in the buttocks. The suspect was apprehended at an area hospital when he sought treatment for a gunshot wound." ...

FL: Homeowner Shoots and Kills 1 of 2 Home Invaders as 12 Year Old Family Member Sleeps
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A FL homeowner was fortunately armed when two men broke into the occupied home last night. The homeowner shot and killed one of the home invaders. A 12 year old family member was sleeping upstairs and was woken up by the noise downstairs. Another family member secured the boy and hid him until the situation was all clear. The second suspect took off on foot, but was captured by police nearby and is currently in custody." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Don�t Talk to Strangers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" warns that 'Meeting strangers off the internet for a cash transaction carries some amount of risk. Be armed, alert, and early so that you can observe the area and the other party as they arrive on the scene. This is especially true for you ladies. If the arriving party just doesn�t look right then don�t be afraid to abort the transaction and make a hasty exit. You don�t owe anybody (especially a stranger) an explanation here and not wanting to appear rude in the face of an uncomfortable or threatening situation is a good way to end up as an ugly statistic.' Alternatively . . ." ...

Help Wanted: Cato Institute�s Interactive DGU Map Is A Work In Progress
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Being a gun person requires (or at least implies) some level of understanding that there is only <so much that any government can do for you, and that in many instances the best thing it can do for everyone is get out of their way."

"This ethic comes quite naturally to the libertarian Cato Institute. In addition to a vast and well-researched archive of treatises and policy papers on gun rights, self-defense and the 2nd Amendment, they�ve posted this nifty interactive map showing (some of the) defensive gun uses in the United States." ...

High Ranking Mexican Cartel Operative Says �Fast and Furious� Was About Supplying Guns to Cartels in Exchange for Intel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well if this turns out to be true it�s going to make an already bad situation for the Justice Department even worse."

"According to statements being made by Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, who is a high ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel, and is currently in US custody, the US provided the Sinaloa Cartel with numerous guns in exchange for intelligence on other cartels. According to Zambada-Niebla, the US also allowed certain cartels to freely import drug shipments in exchange for intel on other cartels as well." ...

The Second Amendment and its importance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What happened in Aurora, Colo., is a great travesty and should never have happened. The perpetrator was well armed with recently purchased firearms and ammo and things could have been astronomically worse."

"Our hearts go out to those families who lost their love ones and for those who were injured by this man who is apparently mentally deranged. Firearms in the wrong hands can kill no matter how many laws are on the books."

"Owning firearms in America has been a very controversial subject because firearms are weapons that can kill, but also because owning firearms is an important constitutional right as is free speech. The Second Amendment is part of our nation's foundation to remain a free and sovereign nation." ...

The Dark Knight casts a long shadow over civil rights after Aurora (video available)
Submitted by: John Pierce

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... "But jumpy theater management and law enforcement are treating all movie-goers as potential terrorists, violating their 4th Amendment rights ... In the worst cases, legally-armed, law-abiding citizens are being harassed and arrested for no other crime than seeking to defend themselves and their families."

"The latest travesty occurred Tuesday when 46 year old Connecticut attorney Sung Ho Hwang was arrested for �breach of peace� and �interfering with police� after carrying his firearm into a late showing of The Dark Knight Rises in New Haven Connecticut. Hwang is the model of an upstanding citizen. He is the president-elect of the New Haven Bar Association and a permit holder. But none of that mattered when a fellow theater patron noticed his firearm Tuesday night and alerted authorities." ...

Obama Defeat Unites Issue Advocates, says Gun Law Expert (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The defeat of Obama is the number one priority for millions of Americans' gun rights expert John M. Snyder said here today. "

"'Many American voters want to see Obama replaced as president for a number of different reasons,' Snyder said. 'These reasons may be economic, cultural, or international."

"'It's up to voters of different particular interests to remain focused during the next three months on their main objective, the electoral defeat November 6 of Obama as he seeks a second term.'" ...

VA: Dickie Bell: Pro-business, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First elected in 1996 to the Staunton City Council, where he stayed for 13 years, Dickie Bell has been serving in the Virginia General Assembly since 2009."

"As a part of our citizen legislature, Mr. Bell plays a part in making local laws in the state, but does not do so all year-round. The session he works with last for two months over winter, and no member is involved year-round. For the remainder of the year, the representatives reside within their own respected districts and continue on with similar work." ...

"'Pro-business, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, also pro-education, those are the things that have always been important to me,' said Bell when asked to give a brief description of his party beliefs." ...

WI: Candidates spar over issues facing Wisconsin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Candidates for the newly-redistricted 45th State Assembly District gathered at the Beloit Public Library Wednesday night to discuss topics that ranged from balancing the state budget to second amendment rights." ...

Conservatives Accuse Obama Of Planning An Executive Order On Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... Now that the U.N. Small Arms Treaty has failed yet again, conservatives are fearful that an executive order will be Obama�s next move against private gun ownership."

"The proof, according to conservatives, is in the comments made on August 7, 2012, by Press Secretary Jay Carney ... discussing the August 6, 2012 shootings at the Sikh Temple in Milwaukee ... After stressing the need to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of disturbed citizens and calling for a renewal of the ban on assualt weapons, Carney closed by saying, 'The president�s approach is that we should work with Congress where possible � and administratively where allowed � to advance common-sense measures that enhance our security ...'" ...

NJ: American Democracy too strong for citizens to worry about armed government
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" encountered state Sen. Ray Lesniak (D-20) on the steps of City Hall and asked him the following question: notwithstanding the horrors of gun violence, does he as a lawmaker, upon reflection of the 2nd Amendment, worry about denying citzens the right to bear at least as much firepower as the government?"

"'No,' Lesniak answered. 'I believe our democracy is so strong that there will never be a need for our citizens to take up arms against the government. It's illogical for small arms bearers to think they can challenge the military power wielded by the United States.'" ...

NY: Seward says new gun-control legislation unlikely in Senate
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"State Sen. James Seward thinks it is unlikely that the Senate Republicans will advance any new gun-control legislation."

"In the wake of recent shootings that have garnered national attention and generated calls for additional gun-control laws, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has publicly stated that New York might need to embrace new restrictions. Traditionally Republican state legislators have opposed new restrictions, which is why a variety of restrictions that have passed the Democratic controlled Assembly have died in the Republican controlled Senate." ...

Justice Scalia Writes How-to Read Guide for Interpreting the Law (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"JEFFREY BROWN: And now to a rare and very inside look at the philosophy and practice of a hugely influential and sometimes provocative Supreme Court justice."

"Margaret Warner talks with Antonin Scalia." ...

Payback: Holder�s DOJ Refuses to Close Whistleblower�s Retaliation Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today marks the four year anniversary of when ATF Special Agent Jay Dobyns� house was burned to the ground. The blaze was set ... while his wife and children were sleeping inside at 3 a.m. As a refresher, Dobyns is a 25-year ATF veteran and worked undercover in the Hells Angels gang for two years ... When he got out after putting dozens of the Angels in prison, members of the gang in coordination with hard criminals in prisons around the country, issued death threats against him and his family. These criminals and their associates are suspected to be responsible for the arson of Dobyns� home. Four years later, ATF still hasn�t held a single person accountable within the agency for failing to address threats against his family ..." ...

CA: Ex-Sacramento deputy gets jail in ID theft, drug case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Sacramento County sheriff's deputy was sentenced for identity theft and unlawful possession of a controlled substance convictions." ...

TX: ETX police officer charged with aggravated sexual assault of child
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An East Texas law enforcement officer has resigned his position amidst an investigation into allegations of indecency with a child."

"Eric Jason Campbell, 41, an Upshur County resident and Mount Pleasant Police officer resigned his position with the Mount Pleasant Police Department before formal charges were brought against him." ...

FL: Delray cop accused of sex with drunken woman won't face charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Delray Beach police officer accused of having sex with a drunken woman facing possible arrest won't be charged criminally, according to the State Attorney's Office."

"But that doesn't mean Officer Frank Umbriac of the Delray Beach Police Department is off the hook."

"Umbriac is still the focus of an open internal investigation and is on administrative leave, Delray police announced Tuesday." ...

OH: Ex-Lake County Sheriff Deputy Gary Stroud sentenced to 16 years to life for wife's murder (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Lake County Sheriff Deputy Gary Stroud, 58, was sentenced to 16 years to life in prison for the murder of his wife, Diane Stroud, 53, last fall and the abuse of her corpse."

"Stroud pleaded guilty last month to the counts. He admitted to beating his wife in the head, wrapping her body in a sleeping bag and leaving it in the garage of the family home." ...

KS: Ex-Kan. officer pleads to sexual exploitation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former northeast Kansas police officer has pleaded no contest to sexual exploitation of a minor and eavesdropping with a camcorder." ...

"Prosecutors said Vincent had videos of underage girls nude or undressing. The girls were filmed without their knowledge." ...

PA: Accused heroin-dealing Philly cop indicted on robbery charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An accused rogue Philadelphia police officer, who was charged in June on federal drug and gun counts, was indicted today on additional charges of a Hobbs Act robbery and carrying a firearm during a crime of violence."

"Jonathan Garcia, 23, was on-duty as a patrolman when he allegedly tried to rob a suspected drug dealer of $2,030 and prescription pain medications. The suspected drug dealer turned out to be an informant for the FBI." ...

NJ: Off-duty state trooper charged with DUI in Lake Como
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An off-duty state trooper has been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol after police say he crashed an unmarked State Police vehicle into two parked cars and a culvert."

"Trooper Kevin Byrne, 33, was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, careless driving and leaving the scene of an accident." ...

What shooting sport is the best fit for the Olympics?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since everyone is besotted with the Olympics, I think it�s time to take a look at how we can get a more interesting and modern shooting sport into the Olympics. This isn�t a dig on the current sports, but let�s face it � free pistol and 25 meter rapid fire are pretty dull, and don�t really incorporate any aspects of what modern pistol shooting has become." ...

Shooting In The Dark - Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun Invitational
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I�ve mentioned Crimson Trace�s Midnight 3-Gun invitational several times on this website as well as social media. Were you an attendee, or involved a that the First Annual Concealed Carry Holster Fashion Show in Hudson, NY, you probably witnessed my eyes light up and a big Cheshire grin sweep over my face as I talked about it at one point or another. If you could see me sitting here, looking back at those outrageously fun nights, you�d see that there is still a glimmer of excitement on my face." ...

2012 BC Rifle Championship
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Never a dull moment! I guess this will be my year of mechanical issues. I love my two big trophies I won but a pale comparison to the stack I had last year. Canadians Jim Patton and Don Pitcairn were unstoppable with amazing scores. Jim took the overall grand agg and Don won The Lt. Governor�s Cup also known as The Chair. My US team team tied with the Canadians in score but they had us in V count. Bummer! So close. I started the match on fire on Friday." ...

Anti-hunting bigotry wins in California; could it spread north?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The California Fish and Game Commission on Wednesday ousted President Daniel Richards in the wake of a controversy that involved something perfectly acceptable just about anywhere but the Golden State."

"Some here are worried the problem of political correctness dominating fish and game management decisions could spread northward, if it hasn't already."

"Richards� offense was that he killed a mountain lion on a hunting trip in Idaho and a photo of his success appeared in a popular outdoor newspaper. ..." ...

U.S. Shooters Tally Four Olympic Medals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the unprecedented achievement by Kim Rhode of individually medaling in five straight Olympic Games, three other Americans distinguished themselves by standing on the award-winners' podium." ...

WI: Milwaukee Gun Range Voluntarily Reports Law-Abiding Customers To Local Police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wisconsin Carry has learned of some concerning information that we would like to pass along to our membership and right-to-carry interested folks in southeast Wisconsin."

"In a recently published Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article which you can read here"

"It was reported that the former Badger Guns (now Brew City Shooters Supply) has, since 2009, been reporting the names of every customer that comes in to use their firing range to the West Milwaukee Police Department." ...

NY: Cuomo's Stance Irks Local Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of two recent mass shootings, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has voiced support for legislation intended to address gun violence, according to media reports."

"Several area gun enthusiasts said such actions will not prevent killings such as those that took place in Colorado and Wisconsin. However, they would restrict Second Amendment rights, those interviewed said. They talked about the situation Wednesday at Losie's Gun Shop in Oneonta." ...

PA: Gun laws exist to cover every situation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"E.J. Dionne wants dialogue on firearms when an atrocity, such as that which happened in Colorado, is committed."

"There is dialogue, but he wants it to conform to his anti-Second Amendment leanings. The truth is that many news reporters do exploit a tragedy. It has been said that anti-Second Amendment groups gloat when a tragedy happens. They relish using it to further their agenda."

"Dionne is trying to compare apples to oranges. There is a law to cover every situation concerning guns. He does not seem to realize that criminals do not obey laws. ..." ...

CT: Lawyer explains why he brought gun to Batman showing (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Police entered Theater 1 and asked the patrons to raise their hands and file out of the theater. As they exited, they were patted down and escorted outside."

"The officers identified Hwang as the suspect, drew their weapons and ordered him to put his hands up."

"According to police, Hwang remained in his seat using his cell phone and did not comply with the officers' commands."

"Hwang said he was cooperative and followed all directions from police."

"Police acted well and were professional and understanding when they found that he had a valid permit to carry the weapon, he said."

"Police said they took Hwang into custody by force and officers were then able to remove the loaded handgun from his waistband ..." ...

PA: Infringing on rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Re: 'Leaders misfire on gun laws' (commentary, Aug. 5)."

"U.S. lawmakers and intellectuals alike should reconsider their arguments on gun laws. At the time the U.S. Constitution was written, the Second Amendment was not meant for 'hunting pheasants,' but rather to protect citizens from criminals and tyrants, for each American has the right to defend his or her life."

"Virginia is considered unsafe with a Brady Campaign score of 12/100, and yet there are 213.6 violent crimes per 100,000 people in Virginia. Compare that to California with a Brady score of 81/100 but with 440.6 violent crimes per 100,000 residents. Gun laws, statistically, do not produce safety." ...

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. � LORD ACTON (1887)

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