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Who Ordered the McDonald's Combo?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRA-ILA's Chris Cox has a column about the McDonald case in the July issue of Guns & Ammo. It's not online that I can find, but here's something I'm having trouble with:"
"This month, the Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling in the combined cases of McDonald et al. v. City of Chicago and NRA et al. v. Village of Oak Park, Illinois, challenging Chicago's and Oak Park's handgun bans...The two Illinois cases, now commonly referred to as McDonald, follow the Court's landmark 2008 Heller decision, which struck down Washington, D.C.'s handgun ban on Second Amendment grounds..."
"Can anyone point to where the High Court accepted any case other than the McDonald case filed by the Second Amendment Foundation? Because they did not accept the NRA's case for review." ...

Second Amendment Supporters Say England Shooting Spree Offers Cautionary Tale
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"American supporters of gun rights have been electrified by last week�s mass shooting in England and are seeing it as proof that restrictive gun laws, common in Europe, do more harm than good."

"Representatives of the [CCRKBA]�an organization that fights to preserve Second Amendment rights�have said that gun prohibitionists often cite UK's restrictive gun laws as a model. In fact, these laws were further tightened after the Dunblane, Scotland, massacre of 16 school children in 1996."

"However, instead of ensuring safety, such measures only 'created a risk-free environment for the gunman to carry out his despicable act,' CCRKBA said.

"'When armed Americans fight back shooting sprees are stopped,' said the organization's chairman Alan Gottlieb." ...

Safer Streets 2010: An editorial against our ideology?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the greater complaints about the left in America is that it demonizes and criminalizes values and our way of life. It insults and attacks by denigrating what we stand for as if it were wrong. It is not wrong. The very concept of being partisan for our values system is attacked.... as if socialistic liberals themselves aren't partisan against the interests of the United States."

"I am partisan. Lady Liberty is partisan. We are for independence from our very own public servants. How's that?"

"And what sort of right of the free press editorial would strive to discourage ideology of all things? An anti-gun op-ed would, of course."

"I caught another anti-gun editorial which misleads the public immensely ..." ...

Nevada's U.S. Senate primary features three gun rights questionnaire respondents and one holdout
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "What better race to assert ourselves than one with the potential to unseat one of the nation's most powerful politicians? And what better primary to have maximum influence on than one with a predicted low turnout?" ...

Easy political activism for gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On March 30th I wrote about who we are kept safe from with designated, but not security screened gun free zones. Bottom line: nobody. ... Now I have an easy way to spread the word."

"Here is an Adobe Acrobat file you can print off and use any time you run across a gun free zone. ... You put the three sheets and your return envelope into a plain #10 business envelope and seal it. When you come to a building or say, the California Pizza Kitchen, and see the Gun Free Zone sign at the front, you ask the greeter at the door who the manager is. When they tell you the person's name, you pull out your envelope and write their name on the front. You politely ask the greeter to get the letter into the adressee's hands and bid them a polite farewell." ...

Gun control restrictions snag heroes, but have no effect on criminals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With a decision expected from the Supreme Court later this month, the importance of the McDonald case challenging Chicago's handgun ban was brought into stark relief last week when an 80-year old Chicago resident used a handgun to stop a violent home intruder. Reports indicate that the intruder broke in ... in the early hours of May 26 and then fired on the homeowner who promptly returned fire, killing the intruder. Police and prosecutors said the shooting appeared to be justified and that no charges would be filed in the slaying, but there was some question as to whether the homeowner � the crime victim in this case � might be charged for possessing a handgun in his home, a violation of Chicago's strict handgun ban." ...

How Obama Reduced Crime Rates Last Year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama surely didn�t intend it, but he deserves some credit for last year�s 7.4 percent drop in murder rates. His election caused gun sales to soar, and crime rates to plummet."

"While gun sales started notably rising in October 2008, sales really soared immediately after Mr. Obama won the presidential race. 450,000 more people bought guns in November 2008 than bought them in November 2007, that�s over a 40 percent increase in sales. By comparison, the change from November 2006 to November 2007 was only about 35,000. Over the last decade, the average year-to-year increase in monthly sales was only 21,000."

"The increase in sales continued well beyond November 2008. ..." ...

It's Time for 'In Your Face' Tactics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The liberal social engineers, and their political shills, have fed their lapdogs in the Mainstream Media the 'gun control' party line. For generations it has poisoned the American consciousness."

"Without the sophisticated brainwashing agenda of NBC, CBS, ABC, and the 'educational' PBS, the socialist proponents of citizen disarmament would have long ago been crushed and defeated."

"To aid in the goal of destroying 'gun control', JPFO has prepared three versions of a placard ... that are aimed directly at the soft underbelly of the media. These are purposely designed to be used at gun shows, Tea Party rallies, or any form of demonstration that seeks to send a hard core rebuttal to those who smear gun owners as racists." ...

Talking across the aisle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Before a dyed in the wool anti-gun person will even talk to you, they have to feel there is some common ground. Otherwise it makes as much sense to them to converse with you as striking up a conversation with a doorknob. We are normal folks who love our children and wish for safe neighborhoods and secure work environments just like they do. Let's begin the conversation talking about violence and how the drug culture feeds turf wars. Let's talk about gangs and violence in the inner city ... After we map out areas of common concern, we can discuss causes and cures. Before we trot out 'More Guns Less Crime' (and trot it out we eventually will!) we have to establish that we share goals and values with the person we are talking to ..." ...

Analyst: Buy Barbed Wire and Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anthony Fry, senior managing director at Evercore Partners, said on CNBC this morning, 'The current problems will be with us for 5 years or more and uncertainty is very high.'"

"'Look at the current situation. You have Greece, now you have Hungary and huge issues surrounding Spain and Portugal,' he said."

"'You can have lower rates and deflation, higher rates and higher inflation or the nightmare scenario of higher rates and deflating asset prices,' he said."

"'If the nightmare scenario plays out as I suspect it may then the debt situation gets worse. ...'"

"'I don't want to scare anyone but I am considering investing in barbed wire and guns, things are not looking good and rates are heading higher,' he said." ...

The Brady Campaign sure knows how to pick 'visionaries'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last month, the Brady Campaign recognized journalist Helen Thomas as the winner of the 'Sarah Brady Visionary Award.' In accepting the award, she gave a speech, in which she railed against the Supreme Court's Heller decison." ...

"According to Ms. Thomas, apparently, our fundamental human rights require our forcible disarmament. You really have to watch the video to believe it."

"Actually, when I called Ms. Thomas a 'journalist,' I should actually have said 'retired journalist,' but perhaps I can be forgiven for being behind the times--her retirement just came today--and rather suddenly." ...

The NRA endorses anti-gun McCain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once again the NRA shows its true colors. At a time when the people's anger for the 'Establishment' has reached an all time high, the NRA has exposed itself as an organization that embraces the 'status quo' by endorsing Senator John McCain."

"Sen. McCain couldn�t sell his anti gun-show legislation in his own state of Arizona, so he went to other states ... to ram it down their throats." ...

"Other observations-"

"As California plods forward with legislation to ban the open carry of a unloaded firearm, the NRA is nowhere to be found. Even worst while in the midst of witnessing the attack from the anti-gun crowd in California, the NRA is opposing candidates that would truly defend the 'Second Amendment'." ...

Front Sight Targets the Stereotypes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are confronted everyday with stereotypes provided by the media of gun-users who are malicious. Redacted (2007), Rendition (2007), In the Valley of Elah (2007), and Avatar (2009), were all films that portrayed people who used guns, usually those in the military, as uncompassionate, angry, and violent. Often movie studios use an enlightened, dissenting liberal hero to be a contrast to a contrived military megalomaniac. These stereotypes permeate our culture, and pollute rational dialogue concerning the Second Amendment. The reality about the vast majority of people who use guns, however, is quite different. ..." ...

All Eyes Shifting to Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Of all these, the biggest case by far of the year, bigger even than the Citizens United campaign-finance case, is the gun ban case. McDonald v. Chicago presents the question of whether the Second Amendment applies to cities and states. If it does, then you have the same rights as you do against federal gun controls. If not, then the city or state where you live can ban all your guns."

"The McDonald case also remains the biggest case because it requires the Court to examine the core meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment for the first time since 1969, considering how to what extent federal rights and federal power can impose on the sovereignty of the states." ...

New York Times Minimizes the Stupidity of Microstamping Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Things would be so much easier for The New York Times if they didn't have to appear to be fair and you know. They could just say mayors and cops are for it so, to quote Gary Gilmore, lets do it! Unfortunately, the Gray Lady has to mention the opposition's POV."
"The gun lobby is pushing back hard. It predictably minimizes the public safety value of microstamping, claiming that criminals would file down all the markings. It exaggerates the cost of the process and claims that it would curtail the availability of handguns in New York. ..."
"Did you get that? Criminals will file down the markings! To which the Times replies . . . nothing. No reply. Because there isn't one. Criminals will file down the markings. Thirty seconds. Done." ...


Ted Nugent on Wilson Combat & 10mm Ammo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is always fun to share my love of firearms with anyone that shares my same interest, but once in a while I get the chance to meet some real special folks that not only share my feelings about our freedoms, but exceed my zeal for the second amendment."

"Ted Nugent is just that individual. Ted is well known for his support of the 10mm as a hunting and self-defense caliber of choice."

"After a few exchanges, a Wilson Combat Hunter in 10mm was on the way to him. Since then he has shared with me, on many occasions, how much he has enjoyed his Hunter."

"So with his permission I have included a quote from him on the Wilson Combat Hunter in 10mm." ...

Praxis: Webbing Equipment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From Counterinsurgency by David Kilcullen, Australian Army:"
"Before Motaain, I carried typical Infantry commander's webbing -- lots of navigational equipment, maps, and orders and plans kit, as well as minimal ammunition, water, and first aid equipment. I wore issue belt webbing but supplemented this with British-issue Northern Ireland chest webbing when on patrol, with extra water and ammunition. Many people who wore chest or vest webbing in firefights, including Motaain, came away wanting to ditch it and revert to the issue belt webbing. This was because the chest webbing, by placing the pouches directly below your chest, lifts you an extra ten centimeters or so off the ground. ..." ...

Praxis: Commo after The Big Darkness -- Field Telephones
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the years my friends and I have picked up quite a few field telephones, switchboards, miles of military WD1-TT wire and the reels and other tools to deploy and retrieve the wire and connect the phones for tactical communication. Some folks have doubted my sanity. 'What do you need those for?' I am often asked by people who notice the boxes of equipment and reels of field wire in my garage. Well, strictly speaking, I DON'T need them. But I MIGHT need them one day. First let me give you a little history and then try to explain my thinking." ...

Roundup of Pending Gun Bills in New York, California, Massachusetts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some good legislation is being considered in the states. Here are the latest developments in New York, California, and Massachusetts:"

"In New York, a State Senate committee is considering a microstamping bill (it passed the House earlier this session). ..." ...

"In California, the State Assembly passed two good bills last week. The Associated Press reported on the bill prohibiting the open carry of handguns:" ...

"And, the Bee reported on the legislation on keeping a permanent record of a long gun purchases:" ...

"In Massachusetts, Governor Deval Patrick is sponsoring a bill targeting gun trafficking that is currently in the Joint Judiciary Committee. ..." ...

Google publishes figures on government requests for data
Submitted by: none

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"Google has launched a new function called the Government Requests tool [] that allows users to see how many requests have been made by governments for the data Google routinely collects on users."

"The tool allows users to view either data requests or removal requests. ... The data requests view does not give details beyond the raw number of requests received and gives no indication as to whether Google complied with the requests."

"The United States is recorded having made 3,580 requests for data between July 1 and December 31, 2009, second only to Brazil with 3,663. Third in the list is United States' main ally in the 'war on terror,' the UK, with 1,166." ...

Arcturus - a book review
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In small print under the title, I read,"


"These words immediately hooked me, wondering what the author meant. Then, I found that he was referring to sleeper agents of an Iranian terrorist named Saya-dar - - -"

"Jack McDonald is a former Army Ranger officer who is seriously considering graduate school, when he and a friend have a chance to provide security on a luxury yacht, the Arcturus. Jack soon finds himself in the adventure of a lifetime, with Cuban pirates, buried treasure, and nuclear material, which Saya-dar is planning on using against the United States."

"As the story unfolds, suicide bombers are smuggled into the country, and . . . well, I don't want to give anything away." ...

Personal safety, 'vigilante justice' and another lesson from Paladin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three women have been arrested and now face charges in the five 'stun gun robberies' committed last month around Seattle, and in the aftermath of that case came what must have been an eye-opening interview on KIRO with one of the victims, who now keeps a .357 Magnum revolver close."

"... There is a difference between personal protection, self-defense and so-called 'vigilante justice,' which will be discussed in a moment."

"Let us first focus on the stun gun case and how one of the victims ... has taken precautions to never be victimized again. During her interview with KIRO�s Karen O�Leary, Bowen displayed a .357 Magnum Smith & Wesson Model 19 double-action revolver. She will be keeping that gun within reach, she explained." ...

CA: Suspect killed in shootout during home-invasion robbery in Antioch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 15-year-old suspect was killed and the homeowners critically injured in a shootout early Tuesday during a home-invasion robbery targeting a residential marijuana grow, police said."

"The injured husband shot and killed one teenage intruder and held another 17-year-old at gunpoint until police arrived ..."

"A third suspect, believed to be wounded, remained at large Tuesday afternoon as police followed a trail of blood. Two small children at the home at the time of the robbery were uninjured."

"The husband, wife and wounded suspect were flown to hospitals. The teen later died, and the husband and wife were in critical condition, police said." ...

FL: Ambushed Palmetto Bay Man Tells Survival Story
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Lee says he's convinced they would have killed him if he hadn't had his gun. Lee was talking from his hospital bed Wednesday about the three armed robbers who ambushed him in the parking lot of his Palmetto Bay apartment complex, shooting him four times as he fired back with his own pistol."

"'They told me 'give it up,' but they didn't give me a chance. They just shot,' Lee said ... Lee was set upon as he got out of his car at the Royal Coast apartment complex where he lives shortly after midnight Tuesday morning."

"Lee said the bandits gave him no opportunity to comply with their demands before two of them started shooting." ...

CA: Man shot by West Covina pawn shop worker was in middle of day-long crime spree
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A robber shot by a West Covina pawn shop worker was in the middle of a very long day of crime ..."

"Detectives said ... Barbosa, 24, started a crime spree at 5 a.m. when he robbed a 7-Eleven ... He went on to carjack someone in Los Angeles before he was shot by a worker at Alamo Jewelry and Loan ..."

"After being shot, Barbosa stabbed someone at the Valley Mall, stole things out of someone's garage and led police on a short car chase before he was captured and arrested ..." ...

"Two employees saw a masked man carrying what they believed to be a rifle trying to enter the front door while shouting out orders ..."

"One of the store employees fired a single shot from a handgun and the masked intruder fled ..."

PA: Security guard stops 7-Eleven robbery in Bethlehem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An armed security officer thwarted a robbery early this morning in Bethlehem, city police said."

"Police said a robber, who was wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt and a black ski mask, went into the 7-Eleven store in the 1300 block of Catasauqua Road about 3:30 this morning while brandishing a handgun and demanding cash."

"Police said an armed Westgate Security officer confronted the robber, who then ran away empty-handed. The robber jumped into a small car and sped away from the store. Police records show no arrests were made." ...

MO: Shop manager, daughter foil alleged burglary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buying furniture from Smart Buy Home Furnishings may be a smart move, but trying to rip off the store is not, two men found out over the weekend."

"Just after noon on Saturday, Springfield police arrived at the store at 2845 W. Chestnut to find one store manager, a 45-year-old disabled woman, holding the would-be burglars at gunpoint."

"Marlene Woodman, 65, manages the store with her daughter Angela Mallard, 45. Woodman credits Mallard with protecting her. Mallard said she stands just under 5 feet 2 inches and weighs 127 pounds."

"'Angie is my hero,' said Woodman, who has heart problems. 'She was afraid of what they would do to me. They thought I was by myself.'" ...

SC: Walterboro, South Carolina Soldier Shoots Robbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Army specialist just home from the Middle East shot and critically wounded a robber who tried to hold up his family after they stopped with car trouble late Thursday, authorities said."

"Two other robbers returned fire as they pulled their wounded accomplice into a getaway car and sped away ... None of the victims were wounded, but their cars were struck by bullets, deputies said."

"Deputies located the injured suspect a short time later at Colleton Regional Hospital, where he was being treated for several gunshot wounds ..."

"Investigators have no plans to file charges against the serviceman who shot Jakes, as he had a valid concealed weapons permit and acted in self-defense, Malone said." ...

IL: Chicago pawn shop owner shoots robber in self defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The owner of a pawn shop on Chicago's Northwest side reportedly used his gun in self defense against three robbers."

"Police say that that three robbers entered the pawn shop, located on the 5900 block of West Fullerton Avenue, just before 1 PM. After being placed in fear for life by the robbers, the pawn shop owner is said to have fired in self defense, striking one of the robbers and sending his accomplices fleeing. A dead suspect was found near the crime scene, and police are seeking the two other suspects, according to news reports. No injuries to the pawn shop owner or any bystanders were reported."

"This is the third self defense shooting to occur in Chicago during the last couple of weeks. ..." ...

NC: Wounded Granville homeowner kills intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Granville County homeowner exchanged gunfire with a suspected burglar early Tuesday, killing the intruder, authorities said.

Sheriff Brindle Wilkins said Clay Ellington was trying to break into a home on Dove Road, near Creedmoor, and fired shots at the homeowner, Richard Chapel. Chapel returned fire, killing Ellington, the sheriff said.

Chapel was wounded in the exchange and was taken to Duke University Hospital for treatment. His condition was unknown Tuesday afternoon.

The case remains under investigation.

Armed Arizonans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Particularly after the recent murder of an Arizona rancher who had turned in to authorities a quantity of drugs he'd found cached on his property, Arid Zoners have taken to arming themselves with a new level of determination. They are well aware that they may find themselves up against VERY heavily armed people ..."

"A good friend of mine who is heavily into teaching concealed carry classes in Southern Arizona, and supplemental courses for soldiers out of Fort Huachuca, with whom he is very well connected due to his own long and honorable Army service, tells me there is much interest among the ranchers in learning defensive employment of military style rifles. Makes sense to me. ..." ...

100,000 Chicagoans Own Illegal Handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG [The Truth About Guns] has reported that Chicago residents 'inspired' by recent handgun home defense incidents are purchasing an illegal weapon. The Chicago Trib reports that this news isn't. It's odd that two people have to die before the paper highlights the fact. ... 'Based on a study that Ludwig and other experts conducted in 2007 on Chicago�s underground gun market, he roughly estimated that as many as 100,000 Chicago households could have handguns. 'Judging from the available data, there are apparently a lot of people in Chicago who feel strongly enough they need a gun for protection that they�re willing to ignore the ban,' Ludwig said.' Ya think?" ...

Five ways Harry Reid might go after Sharron Angle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Angle, the staunch conservative in the Nevada Senate primary, went into Tuesday as the front-runner to win the Republican nomination to challenge Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D). She was powered by the same tea-party activists who fueled Paul's insurgent primary victory ..."

"Within days of Paul's victory, he found himself under scrutiny for some of his unconventional views ... If Angle wins Tuesday night, Reid's campaign plans to put her under the same sort of microscope. ..." ...

"Assuming she wins the nomination, here are five things certain to start arriving in reporters' e-mail in-boxes in the days ahead:" ...

"* God and guns: At her coming out party in Washington ... Angle invoked God and guns as her leading issues. ..." ...

Reid Opponent Embraces Patriot Group That Warns Of 'Giant Concentration Camps'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The peculiar ideology of Sharron Angle, the Republican nominee challenging Sen. Harry Reid in Nevada, is perhaps no better illustrated than by her embrace of the patriot group Oath Keepers, whose membership of uniformed soldiers and police take an oath to refuse orders they see as unconstitutional -- including enforcement of gun laws, violations of states' sovereignty, and 'any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.'" ...

"The Reid camp is already signaling it plans to paint Angle as an extremist -- or even a paranoid -- by highlighting statements like her recent observation that Americans are 'afraid they'll have to fight for their liberty in more Second Amendment kinds of ways.'" ...

Submitter's Note: It ain't paranoia if it's true. There are a number of Americans (your humble submitter being one) who believe that the US is heading for civil war unless something in our government changes radically.

Privacy another casualty of 'War on Terror'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), whose longstanding antipathy to private gun ownership has often been noted here, has a good deal of practice in exploiting the "War on Terror" to justify various attacks on freedom. His co-sponsorship of Senator Lautenberg's (D-NJ) S. 1317, which would empower the Attorney General to unilaterally block gun sales to anyone he designates a 'suspected terrorist,' is a prime example."

"He is now trying a new gambit, that while not directly a threat to gun rights, is similarly repugnant to those who value liberty. Now he, along with Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) wants to ban anonymous, prepaid cell phones." ...

TN: Restaurant carry again legal in Tennessee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last night, the Tennesse House voted 61-30 to override Governor Bredesen's veto of the restaurant carry bill."

"According to the Tennessee Firearms Association, the new law repeals the old alcohol/ beer statute ..." ...

"So, effective maybe immediately, maybe July 1,(?) restaurant and bar carry are legal in Tennessee. Tennessee joins all contiguous states except for North Carolina (see in allowing carry into restaurants that serve alcohol." ...

GA: Gov. signs SB308, vetoes SB291
Submitted by: Mark

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"Governor Sonny Perdue announced today that he has signed Senate Bill 308, a bill that clarifies Georgia law on where it is legal for licensed permit holders to carry guns. ..." ...

"'GeorgiaCarry.Org appreciates Governor Perdue's signing this important legislation,' stated Ed Stone, President of GCO. 'It is vital for law-abiding citizens who wish to arm themselves for self-defense to know definitively what places are off-limits. ..." ...

"SB 291 changes a variety of provisions ... Among others, this bill would allow firearms to be carried into unsecure areas of airports. I have already signed SB 308, which clarifies Georgia's public gathering statute ... I believe this language is sufficient ... I VETO SB 291." ...

GA: Governor Signs One Pro-Gun Bill and Vetoes Another
Submitted by: Mark

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"On June 8, Governor Sonny Perdue (R) signed Senate Bill 308 into law."

"SB308 will reform Georgia�s handgun carry laws so that a Georgia firearms license would enable a person to carry any handgun or knife, openly or concealed. SB 308 would also allow Georgia Firearm License holders to carry in more places by repealing the broad and vague 'public gathering ban.' "

"Unfortunately, Governor Perdue vetoed Senate Bill 291, which would have allowed a person lawfully licensed to carry a firearm the right to carry in all non-secure areas of airports, as well as while dropping off or picking up passengers at an airport. ..." ...

NY: Albany�s Chance to Be Tough on Crime
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The gun lobby has been hard at work these past few weeks in Albany trying to block smart legislation that would help police officers solve violent crimes. The measure would require, starting in 2012, that all new semiautomatic pistols sold in New York State be equipped with microstamping technology that would allow police officers to quickly match empty bullet casings found at crime scenes to the weapons that fired them. California already has enacted a similar law." ...

KABA Note: Indeed a microstamping bill has been enacted in California, but it still has not taken effect because the technology is proprietary and the CA law requires the technology to be "unencumbered by patents".

WA: Puyallup Officer Charged In Road Rage Case
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... "Officer Mark Delight was charged with second-degree assault and reckless driving ..."

"... the incident began when [McCleary] honked at a Honda in front of him and then went around the car that was sitting at a green light."

"McCleary said as he passed the driver of the other car, the driver made an obscene gesture ... he pulled in front of the man, came to a stop and turned to look behind him. He said the driver then rear-ended his car."

"McCleary said when he saw the man reaching for what his instincts told him was a gun, he fled ... When the driver caught up with McCleary, he hit McCleary�s vehicle, forcing it off the road ..."

"The driver of the other car got out, pointed a gun at him and dragged him from his car ..." ...

NY: Following trio of 'shots fired' calls, local officials look to potential of shell casings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following a recent trio of 'shots fired' calls within a ten day span in the City of Utica, local officials are looking to the potential of shell casings for answers in crime investigations."

"In the three recent calls of shots fired ... investigators found shell casings at the scene."

"Currently, those shell casings get stored away, remaining useless to law enforcement, because the shell casings offer no evidence about the gun that it came from. ... In order to see the full potential of shell casings come to fruition, officials are looking to the technology of microstamping." ...

Submitter's Note: Waitaminnit! In 2000 you told us that the CoBIS 'gun DNA' program would "provide law enforcement with a wealth of knowledge, a chain of custody, and most important, a criminal", now you're saying that the millions of dollars and man-hours spent on CoBIS was wasted?!? But if we just give you more money it'll work this time, honest, promise!

MI: Detroit Hitman Pleads Guilty to 8 Murders, Including Cop's Wife
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 29-year-old Detroit man will likely spend the rest of his life in prison after confessing to eight murders ..."

"... Vincent Smothers pleaded guilty to eight counts of second-degree murder in exchange for a minimum sentence of 52-years in prison."

"Smothers shocked detectives two years ago when he confessed to the murders during around-the-clock interrogations. He told investigators his hits were all related to the drug trade except for the final one, the killing of 47-year-old Rose Cobb ..."

"That murder was allegedly arranged by officer David Cobb. Smothers said Cobb was having an affair and wanted his wife eliminated. Cobb himself was never charged in the murder -- he hanged himself in September 2008." ...

CA: Preserve the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once again idiots in Sacramento are attacking the U.S. Constitution, one of the documents they swore to protect and defend when they took their oaths of office. Did these illiterates fail high school English? I guess those voting to further restrict our Second Amendment rights don't comprehend 'and bear arms.' Do they feel justified in ignoring their oaths when it is disguised as the lie 'for public safety'?"

"Stop vilifying law-abiding gun owners, since we are the guarantors of everyone's freedoms. Our right to carry as stated in the Second Amendment is not subject to open carry or 'interpretive' concealed carry restrictions by sheriffs, police chiefs or legislators fearful of their own shadows." ...

VA: Powhatan Residents Incensed Over [Virginia State Police] Firing Range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 300 people told Virginia State Police they do not want the sound of gunfire in their neighborhood. They said it at a public hearing in Powhatan."

"All of them upset about plans to build a massive outdoor shooting range to be used by Virginia State Police and the FBI, and the Department of Inland, Game and Fisheries."

"Residents say it's not about the second amendment. It's about more than 80 firing lanes within two miles of their homes, churches, and farms. Approximately 12-hundred people within two miles of the proposed range will be affected."

"'My house is at the end of that line. That line is firing straight to my house', said Thomas Ford. ..." ...

OH: Ohio man competes in History Channel's 'Top Shot'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Akron Beacon-Journal is reporting that an Ohio man is among those competing on Top Shot, a History channel series that premiered Sunday at 10:00 p.m."

"Hosted by Colby Donaldson of Survivor fame, the show has 16 marksmen competing for a $100,000 prize. Among the competitors is Chris Cerino of Wadsworth, Ohio, who told the Alron newspaper he loved being part of it." ...

CA: To Keep and to Bear
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' More on that in a second."

"Today, I openly carried an unloaded firearm. I was not in danger, I was not trying to intimidate anyone, and I�m not even a redneck. I did it because it was legal, I have a right to, and that right is being threatened ..." ...

"Right now there is an assembly bill ... that wants to ban open carry. 'So?' you might be asking me. Well, now we get back to that quote I started with, attributed ... to Voltaire."

"Our country was founded with a very simple premise. Many of the founders did not agree on government, human rights, property rights, economics, or warfare ... One thing they could agree on, however, was the Bill of Rights. ..." ...

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. � Edmund Burke

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