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Newslinks for 6/29/2011

Calling out excuse-mongering Jon Stewart and Media Matters on Gunwalker intent
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"How exactly does that work, smart guys? Explain it to us, oh wiser, more progressive ones."

"What the HELL happens in Phase 2?"

MI: Concealed gun permits increase across Michigan
Submitted by: Bob Devour

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Ten years ago this week, Michigan became a "shall-issue" state, making it easier for residents to obtain concealed licenses if they're at least 21 and meet certain requirements.

State Police records show in the first year, 53,000 permits were approved. Today, there are more than 270,000 permit holders.

WA: Seattle police leave rifle unattended on cruiser ad
Submitted by: Federale

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A Seattle police spokesman says the department is embarrassed after officers left a police rifle unattended on a patrol car outside a busy downtown area.

Spokesman Sgt. Sean Whitcomb says the department has launched an investigation.

Brown v. EMA casts doubt on the �weapons effect� justification for gun control
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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Since the 1960s, some social scientists have been attempting to prove that guns cause violence. They do not make this claim in the straightforward sense that guns, as tools, can be used for malign purposes�for example, that a criminal with a gun might attempt a robbery which would he would consider too risky if he did not have a gun. Rather, the claim is that the presence of makes ordinary people more aggressive, anti-social and violent. Thus, as one study put it, �the trigger pulls the finger.� The hypothesis is known as �the weapons effect.�

Social Media Sites Pose Unique Challenges For Gun Owners
Submitted by: John Pierce

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Social Intelligence Corporation bills itself as offering a service that �lets employers and hiring professionals reap the benefits of using social media in making hiring decisions, without the legal risks.� It does this by scouring social media sites, searching for information on applicants and then removing all legally impermissible information such as race, religion, national origin, age, sex, familial status, sexual orientation, and disability status.

Of particular concern to gun owners, hunters and shooting sports aficionados however, is the fact that reportedly, any posted pictures containing firearms will flag an applicant as �Demonstrating potentially violent behavior� as illustrated in the actual redacted report below ...

PA: Governor Corbett Signs Self Defense Bill Into Law
Submitted by: John Pierce

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Moments ago, in a private ceremony in his office, Governor Tom Corbett signed House Bill 40 into law, significantly expanding the self-defense rights of the law-abiding citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

WI: The greater danger of 'carry'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In fact, however, recent murders in Merton, Mequon and Brookfield had the more typical genesis of suburban violence as the alleged perps were a grandson, son and longtime acquaintance, rather than some malevolent stranger stalking hapless victims. The same is true for sexual assaults, which in the 'burbs are most often perpetrated by some perfidious perverted family member, family friend, educator or local clergy. How can anyone reasonably propose that concealed carry would deter or defend under those circumstances?

Ed.: So rapists are bulletproof if they happen to be a neighbor or family friend?

NH: Republicans doing harm to N.H. residents
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Legislature also made it easier for people to shoot each other. Now, if you feel threatened, you can shoot someone without first making an attempt to retreat. You can also brandish your gun in a threatening manner without any fear of penalty. We'll be amazed if an innocent person isn't killed within the year by some half-cocked, pistol-packing person who shoots first and asks questions later. But those who shoot and kill won't have to worry because the Legislature has stacked the laws in the favor of anyone believed to be acting in their own self-defense.

Ed.: It beats having the laws stacked in favor of murderers and rapists.

CA: �Open Carry� Law Under State Senate Review This Summer
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Assemblymember Anthony Portantino�s (D-La Ca�ada Flintridge) bill that would make it illegal to openly carry an unloaded gun in public passed the Senate Appropriations committee yesterday. It will move on to full Senate hearings later this summer.

It is currently legal to carry an unloaded gun in California, with certain restrictions: the firearm must be unloaded, unconcealed and may not be carried in prohibited areas like school zones, post offices, state parks and government buildings. People are allowed to carry ammunition with their firearm.

CO: Connecticut Group Joins Lawsuit Against Denver For Right to Carry a Firearm Openly
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun nuts representing 19 groups from 20 states, including the Connecticut Citizen's Defense League (CCDL), have rallied together under the banner of the national Second Amendment Foundation (SAF).

The case? Peterson v. Garcia, et al. in which Gray Peterson, a Washington resident with a concealed weapons permit from Florida, is suing Denver because it bans carrying a handgun openly. To wit: Colorado does not recognize out-of-state gun permits from states that do not recognize Colorado-issued permits. Denver has a ban on concealed weapons and only recognizes Colorado-issued permits for open carry.

NY: Group Challenges NYC Handgun Fee
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A brief was recently filed by the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) asking for a summary judgment to strike down a fee for owning a handgun in New York City.

The organization says that the $340 fee the city requires for a handgun license is �inherently prohibitive.�

�The recurring $340 fee is plainly exclusionary and prohibitive because it far exceeds the comparable license fees charged by all other New York localities � and for that matter, by all other U.S. jurisdictions,� the legal brief reads.

OR: Options for carrying
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Several different reasons exist for people who wish to have a concealed handgun license or concealed weapons permit.

Those reasons can range from exercising the Second Amendment right to own and bear arms or to provide protection for people and their families. Each case is different and personal, just like the choice not to bear arms or to obtain a concealed weapons permit.

Perry misreading the Constitution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Perry claimed that he is "a loyal American, a proud American and a proud Pennsylvanian" in a June 17 editorial in the York Daily Record ("YDR Editorial on Castle Doctrine Unfair"). A quick look at the Merriam Webster online dictionary, however, defines a "patriot" as "one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests." As Hicks noted, you can't respect our government's authority while simultaneously spouting off like a reincarnation of Timothy McVeigh.

Hollywood Heavy Joe Mantegna Hosts Gun Show
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So he's not exactly going with Charlton Heston-type proclamations about refusing to give up his musket unless it's pried from "my cold, dead hands!" Yet, well-respected actor Joe Mantegna has taken a stance not exactly widespread in Hollywood: he's an advocate for the right to keep and bear arms.

Presumably, he's not for the spread of grenade launchers and he may not support a radical wing of the NRA. Hopefully, he's for the reauthorization of the federal assault weapons ban, which is way overdue.

Chicago�s top cop plays race card in gun rights debate; NW activists react
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Northwest gun rights activists, including Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation, are outraged over remarks made by Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy that suggested federal gun laws that do not prohibit firearms ownership amount to �government sponsored racism.�

Perhaps SAF and it sister organization, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms will invite McCarthy to the annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, scheduled the weekend of Sept. 23-25 in Chicago, to further elaborate on his views.

IN: Gun agents� hands tied too tightly
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lawmakers should give the ATF the tools it needs to fight illegal gun trafficking. They should enact stronger penalties for straw purchases and craft a federal gun-smuggling statute; close the gun-show loophole, which allows buyers under certain circumstances to purchase weapons without a background check; resuscitate the ban on assault weapons; and give the ATF the authority to collect data on multiple sales of long guns in border states.

Got Milk?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Stephanie Robinette, 30, of Westerville, OH, was charged with assault after she resisted arrest by removing her right breast from her dress and spraying officers with her breast milk. (1) Until she used it, the mammary was a concealed weapon.

Altough the Glazerbeam is known for biting satire, that might not be appropriate in this case. Those readers who find this story too titillating should stop here, before it gets worse.

ATF head Melson to testify on Gunwalker
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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ATF interim head Ken Melson has been itching to testify before Rep. Issa�s committee so that he isn�t turned into a convenient fall guy, even hinting that he could say interesting things about his boss, AG Eric Holder. Now there�s word that he will testify, but it�s thanks to a deal between Sens. Grassley and Leahy.

Grassley and his fellow Republicans were given full access to ATF documents, Melson, and other key witnesses; and in return, Grassley agreed to release three Obama administration nominees he had been blocking, according to correspondence obtained by NEWSWEEK and THE DAILY BEAST.

Prois Hunting & Field Apparel Partners with NRA Women�s Programs
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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NRA�s Women�s Programs is excited to announce that Prois Hunting & Field Apparel has signed on to support the Women On Target Hunting Programs and the Women�s Wilderness Escape.

This partnership combines the best in hunting and shooting attire designed specifically for women with the best in women�s shooting and hunting programs.

�Working with the NRA is great, we believe in their programs and what they do for women,� said Kirstie Pike, CEO of Prois. �NRA acknowledges that there are a lot of women out there looking to get involved in the shooting and hunting arenas.�

PA: U.S. policy helps Mexico drug trade
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The finances of drug cartels are kept in the black by money that is voluntarily provided by U.S. citizens and the majority of weapons used in the drug trade originate domestically.

In other words, it is our money and our weapons that help kill journalists like Lopez Velasco. Please write your state and federal representatives to address this issue and remember that any such action need not impinge on your Second Amendment rights.

AL: Court upholds ruling to dismiss case against Carleton
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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�Because none of the issues the state raises on appeal were properly preserved in the trial court, there is nothing for this court to review. Therefore, the judgment of the trial court is affirmed,� appeals court justices wrote.

In September 2010, Jefferson County Criminal Court Judge Tommy Nail dismissed the state�s case against Robert �Bob� Carleton, 49, of Pell City, who was accused of murdering his 67-year-old father, William �Bill� Randolph Carleton Sr., after defense attorneys asked the court that their client be immune from prosecution based on a 2006 change in the self-defense law of the state, a �stand your ground� self-defense law that was enacted in 13 other states.

MI: Michigan's concealed pistol law - 10 years later
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On July 1, it will be ten years since the Michigan Concealed Pistol Law took effect, and currently 270,000 state residents have a permit to carry a pistol.

"I feel much better about going out in public," says permit holder Mike Visser at Silver Bullet Firearms in Wyoming. "I feel I am able to take an active role in the safety of my family and prevent and sort of violent attack."

The concealed pistol law makes Michigan a "must carry" state.

It means anyone who wants a concealed pistol permit can have one if they are 21 years old, are a U.S. citizen and Michigan resident, complete a pistol safety course and are not accused or convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanors.

D.C. v. Heller a Hollow Victory for Gun Lobby?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When the Supreme Court, three years ago, issued its landmark Second Amendment ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller, Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association said it was only the �opening salvo� in a long legal war to use the courts to dismantle the nation�s gun laws. So far, Heller has been more of a cap gun than an assault weapon in the �gun rights� arsenal.

Ed.: Henigan's sour grapes.

WI: Concealed Carry Soon to be Legal in Wisconsin
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Wisconsin is now poised to be the 49th state to permit the carrying of concealed firearms, if Gov. Scott Walker signs into law a bill which passed the state�s house and senate with strong majority votes.

Once Walker signs the bill, Illinois will be the last state which utterly refuses to recognize the right of citizens to self-defense. An article for the Journal Sentinel (reprinted at reports:

Wisconsin stands on the verge of becoming the 49th state in the country to allow citizens to carry concealed guns, after the state Assembly voted to legalize that practice Tuesday.

PA: Dire predictions wrong
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Every time legislation changes to increase gun rights or bolster the right to self-defense, anti-gun groups start spouting wild predictions of our impending doom. They conjure up imagery of formerly peaceable citizens suddenly turned into gun-slinging madmen rampaging in the streets and trigger-happy shopkeepers shooting the delivery boy. Time and time again these dire predictions have been proven wrong as there has been no societal collapse, or even a significant rise in violence, following the widespread passage of right-to-carry laws and the expiration of the sensationally named assault weapons ban.

CO: CBI will purge concealed weapons file
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The concealed weapons file maintained by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation will be purged by June 30 under the "sunset provision" of Colorado statute 18-12-206(3)(b) by the 2007 Colorado General Assembly.

Information previously submitted by law enforcement agencies regarding concealed carry weapons permits statewide will no longer be available, Chaffee County Sheriff Pete Palmer said recently.

Palmer said the Colorado bureau will no longer accept or maintain future data.

PA: Corbett Signs Castle Doctrine Expansion
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The bill allows people to use a gun or other deadly weapon outside their homes or businesses in self-defense.

The previous law didn't allow the use of force if a person could safely get away from the situation.

Critics of the law say it will increase violence.

No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him. � Thomas Jefferson

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