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Newslinks for 4/20/2012

Bullying incident shows pervasive school bias against self-defense
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Which may explain why, by the time they grow into college-age young adults, not only are students mandated to be helpless against berserkers, many of them are overtly hostile to the suggestion that they should fight back like free men and women in the prime of their lives, and instead insist the safest course is for those lives to be forfeit." ...

Stand Your Ground laws and the dignity of human life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lately, with Trayvon Martin�s death serving as a focal point for anti-gunners, Stand Your Ground laws have come under attack from every corner. Gun-grabbers of all stripes have voiced their outrage over the people�s right to bear the arms they keep, and to actually use those arms to defend their own lives. And while what happened that fateful night between Martin and George Zimmerman is being examined in a court of law � as it should be � the justification for Stand Your Ground laws will not stand or fall with the judge�s decision: rather, the justification for such laws is the same as the justification for the Second Amendment itself." ...

Bank Of America to McMillan Rifles: Drop Dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the Bank of America was founded back in 1904, no one ever thought that it would one day truly be the Bank of America. As in (partially) government owned. Just like Government Motors, Chrysler, the entire student loan industry and more, the federal government�s insatiable grasping tentacles are woven throughout one of the world�s largest commercial bank and brokerage operations. And as has always been true, if you take the king�s shilling, you�re damned well going to do his bidding. The folks at McMillan found out recently that means some kinds of business are no longer wanted . . ." ...

Teaching The New York Times About Teaching Kids About Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday�s The New York Times ran a piece in their Education section entitled Second Amendment and Beyond: Pondering Gun Rights, Laws and Culture. Bloggers Holly Epstein Ojalvo and Katherine Schulten offered readers five ways to use the Times to teach children about firearms. RF emailed me the link, suspecting that the writers had biased the discussion in favor of gun control. Our Fearless Leader asked me to answer the questions posed by the paper so that TTAG could provide a gun rights resource for enquiring if impressionable minds. Number one on their list: 'Hold a Debate.' Provided we can bring facts to the exercise, why not? First up:" ...

Soros-Funded Group Intimidates Organization for Second Amendment Support
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "One target of Color of Change's pressure, The American Legislative Exchange Council, has withdrawn from its defense of the Second Amendment after the Soros-funded group Color of Change threatened a number of ALEC�s corporate sponsors, including Coca Cola, McDonald�s and PepsiCo Inc. In fact, the group has successfully prompted the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to cut ties with ALEC in recent weeks."

"ALEC is a non-partisan group that provides free market and free enterprise solutions for businesses. It typically is an economic advocacy group that works on behalf of businesses, but is also involved in crafting legislation for voter I.D. laws and stand your ground laws." ...

Media Matters Idiotic Interpretation Of �False�
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Running defense for the Obama administration is becoming harder and harder for the people over at Media Matters. One of the ways they�ve been working for the administration is their ongoing ass-covering for them in the wake of the Fast and Furious scandal." ...

Question of the Day: Have You Been Discriminated Against Because of Your Guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Missouri legislature�s been steadily moving a bill through the sausage grinder that�s ostensibly intended to prevent discrimination against gun owners. It would basically make anyone who owns a heater or has used one in the past a protected class. ..." ...

AirTran�s Firearms Policy is Ridiculous and Unsafe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since I started writing for TTAG I�ve been spending more of my weekends traveling to and from various places in the United States doing gun-related stuff. It�s great, since I love to travel and see new places, but it means that I have to deal with airline policies on a regular basis. One policy that always frustrates me is AirTran�s firearms policy . . ." ...

Gun Review: SIG SAUER P239
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With all the new micro/mini/nano/sub-particle subcompact pistols on the market today one CCW option is continually over-looked � the subcompact. Large enough to soak up the recoil of its full power cartridge, yet small enough to comfortably rest in a Super Tuck holster, the sub-compact is often the best balance of concealability and capacity. A pocket-carry convert, I used to take my little J-frame hammerless wherever I went, and to be honest it�s very convenient. But five shots of .38 special with a two-second reload time doesn�t instill tons of confidence in a shooter. As a result, I jumped to the other side of the spectrum and picked up a Glock model 27. But it printed like a pocket-carried Gideon�s from a sketchy motel . . ." ...

For Buy A Gun Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I had forgotten about National Buy A Gun Day but one of my local dealers obviously did not. Months ago - at least eight by my count - I had asked him that if he ever got a Ruger SR1911 in stock to give me a call and he did."

"I was on my way to the 2012 Annual Meeting in St. Louis but the dealer graciously held it for me until yesterday. I picked it up for $700 plus tax which I thought was quite reasonable. This was the first SR1911 I had seen in the flesh outside of the 2011 Annual Meeting." ...

Crimson Trace Goes Green
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Crimson Trace will now be producing green as well as red lasers. While I didn't get a chance to play with them at the NRA Annual Meeting in St. Louis, I did hear about them from Jim Shepherd of The Outdoor Wires. This evening I received more information on these lasers and their anticipated release from Tiffany Hopp of Crimson Trace." ...

'Respect Remington' rebuts NBC's anti-Remington crusade
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Remington is not taking these charges lying down. In, a (so far) four-part series, we learn a great deal of critical information that NBC chose not to present. In one, for example, we learn of numerous inconsistencies with Yerger's story of his shooting, and that even NBC's hired 'expert' could not replicate any such spontaneous shooting with Yerger's gun."

"In another, we learn that these same paid 'experts' are basically 'professional anti-gun testifiers,' with one acknowledging to having testified against 11 different firearms manufacturers." ...

Gun Review: Baikal MP 94 Over/Under Rifle Shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Baikal MP 94 can be the solution to uncertainty when you're out on a hunting trip. We�ve all been there. Your deer hunt has been a bust. You�ve spent the better part of a day in blind or tree stand looking at the same inactive patch of woods and you�re bored, tired and cold. The deer just aren�t moving so you call it quits."

"On the walk home, a cottontail rabbit darts out in front of you and pauses at a range of about 15 yards. While it would be nice to take home a delicious rabbit instead of a bit fat bag of nothing, you know that your deer rifle stands a good chance of vaporizing the hapless critter, so you pass on the shot." ...

Tucson Survivors Challenge the NRA: Stand With Us for Commonsense Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are three survivors of the January 8th, 2011 shooting in Tucson, Arizona and we are a diverse group of real, patriotic Americans. We are a Republican, an Independent and a Democrat, and we strongly support the second amendment. We are retired Army Colonel Bill Badger, a gun owner who taught his children and grandchildren to hunt; Mavy Stoddard, also a gun owner who taught her four daughters how to shoot; and, Patricia Maisch, small business owner."

"We are some of the too many faces of gun violence in this country. " ...

The Lost Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The debate over the Second Amendment has been fierce and terrible, with bad arguments on both sides, and bad will all around. It began in the nineteen-sixties, when there was a great deal of violence, and much concern about it. It took another turn on Friday when, at the N.R.A.'s annual meeting, in St. Louis, Newt Gingrich said, 'The Second Amendment is an amendment for all mankind.'" ...

Gun Rights or Gun Wrongs? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At the recent gathering of gun enthusiasts at the NRA�s annual convention in St. Louis, the organization�s Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre suggested the media was guilty of 'sensational reporting' in reference to the Trayvon Martin case."

"This is what has come to be expected from LaPierre and those who twist the Second Amendment to justify the proliferation of deadly firearms in our country. It is also what American citizens can no longer ignore and must push back against in every conceivable way." ...

Is Trayvon Martin shooting a pivot point in gun rights debate?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Will Americans leery of a decade of gun rights expansions stand their ground over the Trayvon Martin case?"

"The Feb. 26 shooting of the unarmed teenager in Sanford, Fla., by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman, and the initial police decision not to charge Mr. Zimmerman, sparked a national debate about race and violence in American society."

"But so far, Trayvon�s death is having the biggest impact on the national gun policy debate." ...

Battleground America -- One nation, under the gun.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The United States is the country with the highest rate of civilian gun ownership in the world. (The second highest is Yemen, where the rate is nevertheless only half that of the U.S.) No civilian population is more powerfully armed. Most Americans do not, however, own guns, because three-quarters of people with guns own two or more. According to the General Social Survey, conducted by the National Policy Opinion Center at the University of Chicago, the prevalence of gun ownership has declined steadily in the past few decades. In 1973, there were guns in roughly one in two households in the United States; in 2010, one in three. In 1980, nearly one in three Americans owned a gun; in 2010, that figure had dropped to one in five." ...

KABA Note: Oddly enough the Gallup poll (a non-agenda driven polling company) shows 47% of Americans report they have a gun in their home or on their property.

NY: All Gun Owners Should Have to Register Their Firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I applaud the city of Pinole's reaction to the effort to make home gun sales more accessible by saying NO. I make no secret... I hate guns, and would like to see them out of my community."

"Since I can't expect that, I would propose that all gun owners in the city have to register their firearms with the city police department so that, in the event that they are burglarized, weapons can be traced to the criminals who would steal them ..." ...

Submitter's Note: What's wrong with just reporting them stolen?

DARPA and Innovega Working on Contact-Lens-Based Heads-Up Display for Soldiers (VIDEO)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's an idea that's been thoroughly explored in science fiction and anyone who's played a first-person shooter video game can imagine what benefits might come from a real-world personal heads-up display (HUD). And the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is focusing on just that for our troops in the field."

"But there are some realities that must be addressed before we entertain the concept of bionic vision." ...

A Saturday at the �Arms Fair�: What ever happened to gun shows?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have heard from quite a few enthusiasts over the last year or so that the gun shows they have been attending are looking less and less like gun shows and more like a giant garage sale. So I headed out the other morning to a gun show nearby to see if what seems to happening to gun shows around the country was happening in my own back yard, too." ...

TN: Resident Shoots and Kills Armed Home Invader
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A TN couple was attacked by a man who barged into their home with a pistol. The male resident drew his own gun during the altercation and shot the intruder, killing him. Police are still working to find out the identity of the man." ...

Reuters Poll: Most Americans Support Right to Use Deadly Force in Self Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin has almost everyone across the country doing a gut check on how they feel about one�s fundamental right of self-defense."

"People are asking themselves the following questions: Should citizens have the right to use deadly force against a home invader? Should citizens be allowed to carry a concealed firearm? Should self-defense rights extend beyond the home to public places? Should citizens help to prevent crime or should they leave it to police?"

"While politicians and pundits, radio and TV personalities, attempt to answer those questions for us, Reuters and Ipsos actually polled everyday Americans to see what they had to say on the issues ..." ...

Armed neighborhood watch volunteers are not the problem
Submitted by: Sean McClanahan

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... "Mr. Cosby couldn't be more wrong with that statement. I carry a gun daily, yet I don't mean to harm or kill somebody. I believe that I will not hesitate to do so if I am presented with a life or death situation that involves me or my family, but I do not carry a firearm with the intention of harming or killing somebody. I carry it in case I need it for self-defense. I also carry it because it is my right to do so. That I must ask permission from my local Sheriff to get a permit, and I am barred from carrying it in various places due to administrative rules and laws is a direct affront to this right, but that's another battle for another time." ...

Nugent cleared, Coulter nails Democrats over racist gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "One might consider this standard fare for Democrats, whom syndicated columnist Ann Coulter just ripped to shreds this week over the party�s history of pushing gun control to keep blacks disarmed. The party can rage all it wants to over this, but Coulter�s history of the gun control movement in this country is spot-on and Democrats know it." ...

The NRA Speeches: LaPierre, Cox, Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Bolton, Beck (video stories)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association just concluded their annual meeting. If you have never attended then you have missed an epic event. There are acres and acres of guns and gear, 70,000 like-minded friends and some of the best public speaking on behalf of the Second Amendment you will ever hear."

"Here are the NRA speeches from last week." ...

The NRA�s star may be on the wane
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "On the face of things, then, the NRA is a wealthy and powerful organisation. At a recent event, one speaker boasted about the political pain the organisation caused Bill Clinton during his presidency. More recently, according to, it spent $7.2m during the 2010 election cycle. Its influence can also be seen in the way politicians respond to its demands. For example, at the height of its powers in the 1990s it succeeded in quashing research into gun-related injuries and deaths by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

"But Paul Waldman, of the American Prospect, has recently argued that the NRA's dominance is a myth. ..." ...

Arms and the man: Despite legislative victories, the NRA is under pressure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'TAKE a sticker,' urges the woman from Ambush Firearms. 'We are giving away two free guns every day to people wearing them.' What your correspondent would do with an semi-automatic rifle, let alone one that also comes in pink, was not obvious. Welcome to the annual convention of the National Rifle Association (NRA)�this year held in St Louis, Missouri. It is a yearly celebration of freedom, the Second Amendment right to bear arms, and, above all else, a festival of guns. Seven acres, to be precise, of guns and gear." ...

Secret Service Drops Inquiry Into Ted Nugent
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Secret Service dropped thier inquiry into rocker Ted Nugent today after meeting with the controversial conservative prior his concert in Ardmore, Oklahoma this evening, ABC News confirmed."

"The meeting, which, according to the Washington Post, Nugent described as a 'good, solid, professional' visit, came in response to Nugent telling the audience at last weekend's National Rifle Association convention that President Obama and other members of 'this vile, evil, America-hating administration,' as he called it, were 'criminals.'" ...

�Gunwalker� suspect gave ATF and border authorities plenty of clues amidst lies
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "The ROI shows Celis-Acosta 'recanted some of the details' he gave investigators when asked if he knew about 'an AK type high capacity drum magazine loaded with 74 rounds of 7.62 ammunition underneath the spare tire in the truck.' It also shows an affiliation with one CHENDI, legal name Claudio Badilla-Jaimes, a Hispanic male originally from Sonora, Mexico, identified by DEA as a 'arge scale marijuana and multikilogram cocaine trafficker operating out of the Phoenix metropolitan area,' and per Celis-Acosta, a rich cartel member with law enforcement-type emergency lights on his truck who once chewed out Mexican police for stopping his son, asking why he was paying them." ...

Guns are Very, Very Good for the Economy
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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... "Yet here it is, 13 years later, well into America�s great manufacturing exodus and the post-financial-crisis economic slump, and the domestic firearms industry is enjoying near-record productivity. According to Smith & Wesson, one of just two U.S. gun manufacturers that are publicly traded and thus publish their sales figures, the company ended its 2011 fiscal year with a backlog of $187 million in orders after enjoying 'record fourth quarter sales and units shipped.' Meanwhile, Sturm, Ruger & Co. is on a quest to become the first U.S. gun manufacturer to build and ship 1 million units in a single year ... and seemed well on its way to meeting its goal." ...

Gun industry's economic impact skyrockets during Obama years
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The economic impact of the firearms industry is up 66 percent since the beginning of the Great Recession, providing an unexpected shot in the arm for the economy, according to a new study."

"The National Shooting Sports Foundation says the economic impact of firearm sales � a figure that includes jobs. taxes and sales � hit $31 billion in 2011, up from $19 billion in 2008."

"Jobs in the firearms business jumped 30 percent from 2008 to 2011, when the industry employed 98,750."

"The industry paid $2.5 billion in federal taxes in 2011, up 66 percent in three years." ...

American Economy Supported by Gun Business. Well Almost
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite all the whistling-past-the-graveyard propaganda pumped out by the gun controllers who are trying to push the story line that firearm sales are actually down, the gun biz has never been much better. Just ask Ruger�s distributors who can�t place a new order until at least May so the company can work off the backlog. Sure, it may sound like the antis, like Ozzy, are going off the rails on a crazy train, but the NSSF�s not sitting back and letting them define the narrative. They�ve put together a few numbers that show the gun business is one of the few bright stars in an economic firmament of meh. Press release after the jump . . ." ...

Ted Nugent planning a hunt with 'President Romney'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Dismissing the dust-up over his anti-Obama comments as 'doing God�s work,' rocker and celebrated bowhunter Ted Nugent reveals that he�s already planning a winter hunt with �our new president,� Mitt Romney.

"'We are actually talking about that,' he tells Peterson�s Bowhunting, a sporting and hunting magazine. 'I will be hunting every day as usual all September, October, November, December, January, February and March, so I would welcome self-evident, truth-driven patriots including our new president and his family,' he adds." ...

Richard Lugar � The Most Anti-Gun Republican in the US Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... While it is frustrating and disappointing when a supposedly pro-gun Democrat votes for confirmation of a clearly anti-gun judge like Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court, it is even more frustrating when a Republican chooses to defy their party and vote with Democrats ..."

"Not only has Richard Lugar (R-IN) crossed party lines to vote for confirmation of both Sotomayor and Kagan for the Supreme Court, along with numerous anti-gun nominees and appointees ... he has repeatedly voted against gun owners on pure, stand-alone gun legislation. He was one of only two Republicans to vote against the National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act in 2009, and he has announced his opposition to similar bills currently awaiting Senate action." ...

House Passes Historic Sportsman/Conservation Legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It seems appropriate on the 237th anniversary of Paul Revere's ride that we announce the House of Representatives' passage of a huge block of legislation known as the Sportsman's Heritage Act of 2012."

"H.R. 4089 is actually the compilation of four bills, all designed to protect -and enhance- opportunities for recreational hunting, fishing and shooting:" ...

Allen West backs Ted Nugent
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ted Nugent doesn't bear 'any ill will'� toward President Barack Obama, Rep. Allen West said Thursday despite the rocker's appointment with the Secret Service over his controversial comments."

"'I think he was just expressing maybe his opinion about something and of course everyone wants to sensationalize things but let's leave it up to the Secret Service to interview him and get to the bottom of it'� West, a Florida Republican, told CNN's Soledad O'Brien when asked about Nugent's comments." ...

AZ: Jan Brewer - No Friend of Liberty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I must admit, I�m totally perplexed by Brewer. She has an A+ rating by the NRA, purports to be a supporter of Second Amendment rights but when push comes to shove, she displays a liberal mentality on exercising a individual right of the Constitution. Does she believe that somehow when the law abiding citizen crosses onto some sacred public property they absolve themselves of their law abiding nature? Hardly. In her speech to NRA members in the 2009 NRA convention in Phoenix, she stated she was an 'ardent supporter of the Second Amendment.' Really. And here were a few other doozys:" ...

MS: Concealed Gun Carry Permit Holders Welcome in Mississippi
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"This week, Governor Phil Bryant approved two NRA-backed bills important to firearms owners in Mississippi. House Bill 695 signed into law on April 17, is a universal recognition bill that will not only allow concealed weapons permit holders from other states to carry in Mississippi, but will also expand the number of states which acknowledge Mississippi permits. Governor Bryant also signed House Bill 455 into law yesterday, legislation which removes the redundant state recordkeeping requirement for licensed firearm dealers. HB 695 will go into effect on July 1, while HB 455 is effective immediately." ...

Maryland files first brief in support of permanent stay in Woollard v. Sheridan case (brief available)
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"As reported here, on March 30th Judge Legg granted a temporary stay of his ruling in Woollard v. Sheridan. In that case, he ruled that the 'good and substantial reason' requirement to receive a Maryland handgun permit was unconstitutional."

"The temporary stay order set three deadlines for briefs to be filed. The first was an April 19th deadline for the state. ... Following that, Judge Legg will issue his decision on whether or not a permanent stay is appropriate while the ruling is being appealed." ...

"The state made several arguments in their brief which can only be described as jaw-droppingly misleading." ...

WI: Milwaukee Cop Caught On Camera Beating Man While Yelling, "Stop Resisting" (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If the internet has taught us anything, it is that cops appear to be trained to yell 'stop resisting' while beating or tasing citizens into submission."

"I learned that after my first arrest when Miami police pounded my head into the pavement, which is why by my third arrest, I learned to beat them to the punch (no pun intended) by declaring, 'I�m not resisting.'" ...

FL: Steve Horrigan Strikes Again With His Camera (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fresh from having his wiretapping charges dismissed and by filing a notice to sue the North Port Police Department for $200,000 over his unlawful arrest, Florida resident Steve Horrigan had another run-in with cops over his camera." ...

TN: Ex-trooper charged with sex crimes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Tennessee Highway Patrol trooper was charged in Pickett County this morning with sex crimes involving a young girl."

"Wade Williams, 38, of Byrdstown, had been the subject of a joint investigation by the THP's Criminal Investigation Division and District Attorney Randy York for the past several weeks, with allegations focusing on his relationship with a girl under the age of 15 while he was a state trooper." ...

NY: NYPD cop clings to life after shooting self in head: cops
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An off-duty NYPD officer was clinging to life early Thursday after apparently shooting himself in the head in his Bronx home, police sources said." ...

"Four NYPD police officers have committed suicide with guns in 2012." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: They're not all happy campers in Bloomberg's paradise.

WA: After losing on parks gun ban, Seattle targets gun traffickers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two months after losing its attempt to prevent legally-armed citizens from visiting municipal parks, the City of Seattle � in cooperation with federal law enforcement � targeted real criminals in a gun sting that has snared six men and taken 25 guns out of criminal circulation." ...

VA: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Manuael Dillow
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I�ve never had the pleasure of teaching, let alone trying to oversee a high school shop class. It�s probably all you can do make sure everyone leaves with the same number of limbs and digits they walked in with every day. But all that pressure (and an apparently less-than-attentive group of students) seems to have gotten to Manuael Dillow who was teaching a welding class at the Neff Science and Technology school in Abingdon, Virginia. He�d apparently reached the end of his educational rope and figured it was time to focus the minds and get the attention of the twelve yoots he�d been entrusted with. And what better way than shooting the little bastards? . . ." ...

NY: NYPD Cop Eder Loor Stabbed in Head; Cheats Death
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"A New York City police officer who was stabbed in the head is expected to make a complete recovery, but doctors say he was just millimeters away from severe injury or death." ...

KABA Note: Waiting for Mayor Bloomberg to call for a federal ban on high capacity "assault knives" which have no legitimate cooking purpose.
Still waiting . . .

OH: Ohio Spring Turkey Hunting Season Opens April 23
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This year's spring wild turkey season opens in all 88 Ohio counties on Monday, April 23 and continues through Sunday, May 20, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources' (ODNR) Division of Wildlife."

"'Ohio has again experienced a record low wild turkey hatch, with last year's nesting season negatively impacted by rainfall and flooding,' said ODNR Wildlife Biologist Mike Reynolds. 'The early onset of spring-like weather and green vegetation could make it harder for hunters to see and hear turkeys, creating challenging hunting conditions this season.'" ...

Asked if a federal ban on "assault weapons" would reduce crime, Gwen Fitzgerald of Handgun Control Inc. says, "Let's pass the law and find out." --REASON magazine, May 1991 ("Gun-Shy Judges" by Jacob Sullum)

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