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Newslinks for 3/14/2001

Lee County, NC School Gun Incidents Explained
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Parents wanting to know why they were not told for 1 week about two kids bringing handguns to school.

Gun Control That Works
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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America is like a nation of alcoholics who wake up with terrible headaches and spend the rest of the day arguing whether to blame the soda or the ice.

Try To Learn Something from Tragedy
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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Charley Reese: "The school shooting near San Diego is a tragedy, and an even bigger tragedy is that chances are nobody will learn anything useful from it... Reality is always more complex than we would prefer. The violence is likely the product of multiple factors and multiple interactions."

SUPPORT H.R.950 - National Concealed Handgun Reciprocity
Submitted by: John Rich

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Rep. Hostettler (R-IN) has introduced H.R.950 to provide nationwide concealed handgun reciprocity. This means that if you have a concealed handgun license in one state, all 50 states would have to recognize that license, just as they do your driver's license.

Write your Federal Rep and ask him to support this Bill!

Discipline Problems On the Rise
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Opinion column about discipline and school shootings.

AZ: Preemption Dies; Pro-gun Carry Bill Fight Moves to Senate
Submitted by: Skypod

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BAD NEWS: Efforts to enact a "clean" preemption bill will fall far short this year.

GOOD NEWS: H.B.2562 is the best kind of concealed carry reform, since it takes great strides towards the Vermont model of true concealed carry rights.

"The Only Difference is the Gun"
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Now gun lovers don�t want to hear this because anything you say critical of guns somehow is interpreted as �HE WANTS TO TAKE OUR GUNS AWAY FROM US.� No, I don't. I want to take your guns away from ME. I want to take your guns away from my children, my neighbor's children and our schools." -Mitch Albom
Yea, Mitch, Right. And the check is in the mail.

Archerd: Taking Aim at the Gun Lobby
Submitted by: For Educational Purposes Only

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By Army Archerd, Daily Variety Senior Columnist
Hewitt also told me he's "convinced if we get the NRA out of the way, responsible people will find a way to respect the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) and keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them." Hewitt expands on these subjects and more in his autobio, "Tell Me a Story" (Public Affairs) on the stalls this week.

MN Editorial: Hidden guns/The pistol-packers rise again
Submitted by: Skypod

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"If Minnesota were populated by robots, perhaps the concealed-carry bill wouldn't pose such dangers. But its inhabitants are mostly human -- and thus prone to haplessness, fear, pride, anger and other human foibles. How can putting guns in their pockets possibly help them?"
HA! Is it any wonder the author of this ignorant piece is anonymous?

PAX Press Release: New Campaign Announced
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The "TELL Campaign," a national media awareness program aimed at helping prevent such tragedies. The "TELL Campaign" urges kids to call 911 or tell a school official if they learn of another child in their school or neighborhood who either has a gun or who is making threats of violence."

SUPPORT H.J.R.27 - Constitutional War Powers Resolution
Submitted by: Skypod

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Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) has introduced a H.J.R.27 "to repeal the War Powers Resolution to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution that Congress and not the President has the power to declare war."
Contact your Federal Rep to Co-sponsor and Support this bill!

Federal Rule? Your Medical Records to Be Shared
Submitted by: Skypod

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"President Bush's new Health & Human Services Secretary, former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson, is considering whether last-minute regulation changes made by Bill Clinton should go through. The new federal rule would allow doctors, hospitals, druggists, HMOs and insurance companies to pass and share your medical information without your permission."

Gun-control Group Faces Uphill Battle in Maine?
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"Maine Citizens Against Handgun Violence is back with a new legislative agenda. And while it is too soon to predict with certainty what will happen to the latest batch of bills, it seems clear that gun-control advocates still have an uphill fight in the Legislature." - the article goes on to say that they will probably have an easier time this year because of the school shootings in the news.

TN: Danger & Opportunity
Submitted by: Skypod

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Tennessee Citizens: Please go to the above link for bills to tell your State Senators and Reps to oppose and support!

Gun-control Groups Faces Uphill Battle in New Hampshire?
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"A coalition of groups embraced three pieces of gun control legislation Monday that would prevent teens from getting a permit to carry a concealed weapon, close a loophole on background checks and require all handguns to have trigger locks."

Ferris Bueller Fits FBI School Shooter Profile
Submitted by: glen biddle

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According the the latest FBI profile, the popular 1980s icon Ferris Bueller would fit the profile of a school shooter. Imagine the FBI profiling gunowners when there is a hue and cry against profiling against so called protected minorities. Gun owners must not be a protected minority.

Proposed Ordinance Would Disproportionately Impact The Disabled
Submitted by: Skypod

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Award Winning NRA Disabled Shooting Services Division Opposes Los Angeles Handgun Ban Proposal

St. Joseph, MO Government Using Tax Money for Anti-Gun Programs
Submitted by: Skypod

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"It's Time to STOP the VIOLENCE Let's Start with Weapons" - Anti-gun initiative sponsored by the city of St. Joseph, MO, on their government website, in coordination with Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (CPHV/HCI), National School Safety Center, The National Citizens' Crime Prevention Campaign, & the Crime Prevention Coalition.

CPHV Launches New Nationwide Initiative to Regulate the Gun Industry
Submitted by: Skypod

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"On Tuesday, March 13, the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (CPHV) launched a new initiative to persuade state attorneys general to regulate the gun industry using their consumer protection authority."

"Good Parents, Bad Kids, And far too many handguns."
Submitted by: Skypod

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" is also true that good parents can have bad kids. In these school shootings, there's only one variable that can be controlled. We can't do away with kids. But we can do away with guns." -Richard Cohen
This guy obviously feels he is an expert on judging if people are being good parents! How can he even say anything so rediculous?

A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. � BARRY GOLDWATER (1964)

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