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Newslinks for 12/16/2001

War: How Freedoms Are Lost
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

There are no comments on this story
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"I didn't say anything when they came for the middle eastern non-citizens, because I wasn't one of them; I didn't say anything when they came for citizens accused of terrorism, because I wasn't a terrorist; I didn't speak out when they came for gun owners, because I wasn't one of them; nobody spoke out when they branded me a terrorist and came for me because all crimes had been labeled as terrorism and there wasn't anybody else left to speak for me."

by Larry Pratt of GOA

Black Man with a Gun: Interview with Kenneth V.F. Blanchard
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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"In the public mind, a black man should be a leftist, asking for quotas, regulation and gun-control... People are led to look at so-called "minorities" as if they were looking at incompetent guys desperately seeking help... Both white and black people have been deceived by the weirdos who pretend to act for the benefit of both. We discussed this with Kenneth V.F. Blanchard (

Boyfriend stalked victim... Restraining order violated before killing
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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"Michael Jenkins repeatedly violated a restraining order issued by his 20-year-old girlfriend and even tried breaking into her house before ultimately killing her and himself last week."

KABA NOTE: Important Safety Tip: Restraining Orders are for legal and court use only; they do not constitute self-defense.

NJ: Jersey "showed the NRA is an empty shell"
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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"Eleven years ago, the New Jersey Legislature, in the aftermath of the slaughter of five 6-year-olds in a Stockton CA schoolyard, voted to make it more difficult to blow away children at play. Encouraged by Gov. Jim Florio, the controlling Democrats voted to ban the possession of semi-automatic assault weapons." --John McLaughlin, The Star-Ledger, [email protected]

Terrorism's Main Victim: The Constitution
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Passage of the recent USA Patriot bill, better know as the government terror bill, was advertised as providing the government with the tools needed to "fight terrorism."

The politicians in Washington today are acting on the basis that everybody is a suspect. Therefore we should all be disarmed as well as made totally transparent to the gaze of the angels staffing the growing national police bureaucracy.

The time to object is now. Silence will only encourage them. --Larry Pratt

UK: Blair to let EU arrest Brits
Submitted by: Them

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Tony Blair was slammed for handing EU judges the power to arrest British citizens on trumped-up charges over laws which do not EXIST in the UK. It will mean that anyone can be seized and handed over to a EU country to face trial, even if they have done nothing wrong under British laws. The 'International Federation of Human Rights Leagues' said British citizens will be at the mercy of third rate legal systems like Greece and Portugal.

PETITION: Congressman Ron Paul for President 2004
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Congressman Ron Paul is committed to running for reelection to his seat in Congress. This website was not posted at his instigation, and is not meant to imply his official sanction, though we do hope he will honor us by throwing his hat in the ring if we can garner enough support." --Sterling D. Allan

For Gun Banners, Any Excuse Will Do
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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"At the time of the raid, Koresh was under the mistaken assumption that because he had violated no firearms laws, the BATF would play fair and keep the law. He tried to talk to the BATF rather than shoot it out. His .50 caliber rifle was never fired. But to hear it from the VPC's Tom Diaz, David Koresh's ownership of one of these guns is another "proof" that they need to be banned." --Larry Pratt

Read Part II Here

SC: Deputies Spice Up Arsenal With Pepper Gun
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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"Officers said that can usually stop a dangerous suspect in his tracks."

(Key Word: "usually")

Coalition Against Terror: Another tool of the Globalist Agenda
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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"If America stands united as the slogans on television and the billboards say, maybe there aren't enough real conservatives (who aren't the least united with the globalist agenda) to make a difference to the leadership and the propagandists? Is that why America doesn't develop its own resources and become independent of other nations? ... Something diametrically opposite of what conservatives thought they were voting for in Election 2000 is taking place." --Dorothy Anne Seese

PA: Forcier Bill Protects Weapon Rights (of state employees)
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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HARRISBURG � Properly licensed state executive branch employees who choose to carry a concealed weapon while on the job cannot face employment retribution under legislation sponsored by Rep. Teresa Forcier (R.6).

"My legislation...allows state executive branch employees who have been through increased background checks required to obtain a Pennsylvania concealed weapon permit to maintain their means of self defense in the workplace."

Bush Invokes Executive Privilege
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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President Bush invoked executive privilege for the first time Thursday to keep Congress from seeing documents of prosecutors' decision-making in cases ranging from a decades-old Boston murder to the Clinton-era fund-raising probe.

"I believe congressional access to these documents would be contrary to the national interest," Bush wrote in a memo ordering Attorney General John Ashcroft to withhold the documents from a House investigative committee that subpoenaed them.

Flag-Waving Terrorists?
Submitted by: NewslinksDirector

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Do you know any "Super Patriots" in your community - people who displayed U.S. flags before the attack? Do any of your friends or neighbors talk a little too much about the Constitution, or engage in criticism of the government? Have you come across anyone who insists the United States should withdraw from the United Nations? is your duty to inform the local Joint Terrorism Task Force.

This exhortation is satire - but just barely. --William Norman Grigg

OK: Terror suspect's associate expected to plead in gun case
Submitted by: WildWest

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"At such hearings, a defendant usually waives the right to have evidence presented to a federal grand jury and agrees to plead guilty to a criminal charge."

(Pleading guilty to a firearms charge will not be beneficial to our 2nd Amendment rights. The anti-gun folks will run wild with "I told you so")

TX: Hero worship: student receives award for bravery
Submitted by: serinde

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ARLINGTON - The 11-year-old twin sisters ran in terror as two pit bulls began to charge. Brian Little grabbed his bicycle without thinking and pedaled after them to help.

Seconds later, the dogs turned on him. The teen's 15 bite wounds required 70 stitches. He stepped out of the hospital a hero.

[No gun involved, but bravery nonetheless.]

NV: Gun incident at LV airport third in five days
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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For the third time in five days, a man has been charged with attempting to enter the gate area at McCarran International Airport with a concealed handgun.

Reginald E. Mueller, 60, of Loma Linda, Calif., was arrested about 4:15a.m. Friday when he attempted to pass through a security checkpoint with a 9mm handgun inside his briefcase, police said.

"Some people think that the Second Amendment is an outdated relic of an earlier time. Doubtless some also think that constitutional protections of other rights are outdated relics of earlier times. We The People own those rights regardless, unless and until We The People repeal them. For those who believe it to be outdated, the Second Amendment provides a good test of whether their allegiance is really to the Constitution of the United States, or only to their preferences in public policies and audiences. The Constitution is law, not vague aspirations, and we are obligated to protect, defend, and apply it. If the Second Amendment were truly an outdated relic, the Constitution provides a method for repeal. The Constitution does not furnish the federal courts with an eraser." --9th Circuit Court Judge Andrew Kleinfeld, dissenting opinion in which the court refused to rehear the case while citing deeply flawed anti-Second Amendment nonsense (Nordyke v. King; opinion filed April 5, 2004)

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