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Newslinks for 11/2/2015

Smart Guns- Why Americans Can�t Buy Them
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Silicon Valley investor Ron Conway has funded 15 smart gun projects. Smart guns are firearms that only their owners can fire. They recognize its owners� fingerprint or grip. Or they unlock when prompted by a special, wireless watch or ring worn by the shooter. Smart guns haven�t caught on in the US �because of fears they are a backdoor to greater gun control.� In other words, not enough people are selling them to find out.

IL: Concealed Carry License Holder Kills Armed Gunman
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An armed man attempting to rob a neighborhood store was shot and killed by a customer who had a concealed carry license, Chicago police said Sunday.

Should Vehicle-Related Deaths Be Part of The Gun Control Debate?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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I won�t use the man�s name. He was just a reader who called a colleague in reaction to a story about gun-related deaths and later talked to me. We had a conversation, not an interview.

IN: Police Department Told to Stop Selling Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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State authorities have told a northwest Indiana police department that it has no business selling guns to the public.

Texans Still Prohibited From Carrying Most Knives
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Texas residents will soon be allowed to openly carry most guns, but state law still bars the carrying of many types of knives and other weapons.

Rep. Harold Dutton, a Houston Democrat, has been in favor of the Legislature having a broader conversation about Texas' weapons law. But he tells the Houston Chronicle that, "This whole idea about Second Amendment rights has pushed everything else into the shadows."

More Delaware Cities, Ban Firearms at Public Meetings
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On heels of change to state law, cities and towns are starting to ban firearms from municipal buildings.

WI: UW Police Chief Susan Riseling Argues Against Campus Carry: 'It's not going to prevent anything'
Submitted by: David Williamson

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UW-Madison Police Chief Susan Riseling said she hopes a proposal to revoke a ban on guns in campus buildings doesn't event get to the point where she would have to testify against it at a hearing.

Gun Violence and Gun Control Debate Focuses on Virginia
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In some respects, gun violence in Virginia is typical of that in much of the nation. For example, Virginia ranked 28th of the 50 states for the overall rate of gun deaths from 2004 to 2013�right in the middle of the states.

OH: Cleveland Heights Officials Melt Nearly 200 Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Cleveland and Cleveland Heights officials melted nearly 200 guns Saturday in an annual event designed to take guns off the streets.

Cleveland citizens exchanged 158 guns, and Cleveland Heights collected 42 guns in exchange for gift cards and groceries.

Don�t Buy into The Fallacies Peddled by The Gun Lobby
Submitted by: David Williamson

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We take issue with Jack Kelly�s Oct. 25 column (�Good Guys With Guns�), which relies heavily on the discredited writings of John Lott, paid spokesman for the gun lobby.

IL: Gun-Control Group Demonstrates at Northbrook Mariano's
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun-control advocates again visited Northbrook's new Mariano's grocery store seeking signs banning concealed weapons on the doors.

About 17 protesters, led by Northbrook activist Lee Goodman, created a pile of stuffed animals in a mock shrine to a gunshot victim outside the store's main entrance and carried signs emblazoned with slogans including "lox not Glocks" and "bagels not bullets."

AL: Church Teams Up With Police gor Gun Buy Back
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A local pastor is teaming up with the Selma Police Department, city government and businesses to get illegal guns off the street.

NJ: Assembly GOP Leery of Push to Override Christie Veto
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Democratic efforts to override Gov. Chris Christie's veto of a measure on mental health and gun ownership could run into a wall of Republican opposition in the Assembly.

CO: While Safety Measure Have Increased at Two High Schools, Parents Remain Concerned
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Safety measures have been stepped up at two local high schools following two recent reports of guns near and on campus of one and a large-scale fight that brought 54 police units responding to another high school last week.

Hillary Clinton Is Pushing Gun Control Issue
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun Control is a major topic that is debated in America. The Democratic frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, is pushing the issue. On Oct. 5, 2015, she unveiled the measures she will enact if elected president. According to ABC News, when discussing the plan, Clinton said, �it is filled with common sense proposals.�

Animals vs. Drones: Should Close Encounters Be Banned?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As drones have become more popular over the last few years, so has footage of creatures such as hawks, kangaroos and alligators attacking airborne cameras.

Such close encounters of the animal kind might make for great YouTube material, but is it bad for the creatures? And what can be done to protect wildlife from drone operators who fly too close?

MN: New Minneapolis Task Force Looks To Curb Violence Downtown
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As people enjoyed Halloween festivities on Saturday night in downtown Minneapolis, city leaders were coming off of a week of talks about improving downtown safety.

The downtown Minneapolis Warehouse district is home to some of the city�s top sports arenas, theaters, and restaurants.

CA: Last San Francisco Gun Store Officially Closes
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The last gun shop in San Francisco officially shut down business on Saturday.

Anti-Gun Fear and Bigotry from the Washington Post
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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Fred Hiatt edits the Washington Post editorial page. He wrote about a �gun free society�. He tried to repackage his gun grab and call it �gun prohibition�. He wrapped his anti-rights bigotry in terms of a �mass buyback�. I immediately noticed Fred�s distortion about violence in the United States.

Fred wants President Barack Obama to issue executive orders and make gun owners into criminals. You don�t use executive orders to change a culture; you use executive orders to disarm the US by force. Fred wants guns to protect Obama�s kids with guns, but not to protect yours.

Let�s take Fred�s ideas to their logical conclusion and look at the gun confiscation he wants.

PA: Two Men Shot, Killed During Armed Robbery
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Authorities say no charges are expected in the shooting deaths of two suspects killed during what police say was an attempt to rob an eastern Pennsylvania convenience store.

Pro-life Means Anti-Gun? Pastor Loses Support After Film Takes Aim at NRA and Sarah Palin
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An evangelical pastor is finding out that when you mix bad politics with religion, something�s going to suffer.

Ben Carson Open to Letting CDC Research Gun Violence
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Former neurosurgeon Ben Carson said on Friday that the Centers for Disease Control should be able to conduct research on the causes of gun violence, a position that put him at odds with America's gun lobby and congressional Republicans. Asked after a speech here if the prohibition on that sort of research should be lifted, Carson said he was always interested in the collection of data.

I have seen an American general and his officers, without pay, and almost without clothes, living on roots and drinking water; and all for LIBERTY! What chance have we against such men! -- young British officer to Colonel Watson describing the American militia rebels in Georgetown, SC [Source: 'Marion, The Life of Gen. Francis Marion' by M. L. Weems, Ch.18]

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