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Who is the 'powerful gun lobby'?
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Whether it is the updating of the rules for firearms in National Parks, passage of castle doctrine, adoption of shall issue ccw licensing laws, or any other legislative change that removes a gun control law or expands gun rights we immediately hear that the problem is the 'powerful gun lobby'."

"Those three words are spat from the lips of the anti-gun crowd like a hated pestilence. They make it sound like the 'gun lobby' is only a couple of extremists with deep pockets who are able to cajole legislators or purchase their support. In fact, Toby Hoover, Executive Director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence once labeled Ohioans For Concealed Carry a 'fringe group' while complaining about one of our many successes." ...

"A Company of Cowards"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ever since I posted what I presumed was the Anthem of the National Rifle Association, I have been bombarded by complaints that by comparing Korean War veterans to the NRA, I have slandered and libeled the veterans. We don't do retractions very often here at Sipsey Street, but I hereby acknowledge that Bugout Boogie cannot possibly be the song of the NRA. ... The only thing the NRA has ever risked is their shaky reputations." ...

"Not wanting to offend veterans who have served their country admirably, I hereby withdraw my suggestion. However, just as I was being compelled to change my mind, my good friend John Russell offered the following substitute:" ...

Courage and Guns
Submitted by: jghilty

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... "From past experience I know I am going to catch a lot of flak for my opinion of concealed carry laws, because I believe them to be another form of registration. Gun owners who claim they are totally against 'registration' of firearms have no problem in registering themselves as gun owners. Most egregious is their paying the state to bestow on them the rights they already possess as free men."

"If the true purpose of the Second Amendment is to provide the means to resist a tyrannical government, where is the logic in begging and paying that same government to allow us to possess the weapons to protect ourselves from their tyrannical pursuits? Groveling at the feet of tyrants is no reflection of courage." ...

Mass Transportation
Submitted by: motoboy

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"If you want me to have any interest in 'mass transportation' in any form, there are a few minimum requirements you need to meet. These are 'needs', not 'wishes', by the way."

"1) Don't subject me or anyone else to any violations of our privacy. In other words, no metal detectors or "sniffers". No onerous ID requirements. No racial or psychological profiling. No baggage searches or cavity searches. No prohibition of personal weaponry of any sort. Period." ...

"4) Don't develop a partnership with the Enforcers, encouraging them to be a menacing presence on your trips. I don't invite vermin into my house; I do not wish to be forced to share my commute with them." ...

Gun law update: Brady Gun-Ban Strategy Outlined
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The powerful gun-ban lobby has developed its own language to color and disguise its true agenda � the disarming of law-abiding Americans in every way possible, and the end of effective self defense."

"Their latest set of plans � used as a fund raiser (outlined below) � is filled with nice sounding terms that put a deceptive spin on their goals. Respect for the Bill of Rights is nowhere to be found, only clever end runs and literal destruction of rights Americans have always had."

"Starkly missing from these plans is any direct attack on criminals � the whole game plan is aimed at firearms the public holds. It is a product of abject gun fear � hoplophobia � that afflicts the people behind the plan. ..." ...

Winning the War on Food (Part 3): When Gardening Is Considered Homegrown Terrorism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are several political issues that are important to understand as the government erodes our rights to do anything about the issues regarding food irradiation and vitamin regulation. ..." ...

"Right to Bear Arms (Second Amendment)"

"... states are quickly changing laws to turn civil infractions into criminal infractions ... At the same time, states are changing gun requirements to not only disallow convicted felons, but anyone even charged ... So it's a two step process of: a) make everyone a criminal and b) take away the rights of criminals. Losing the second amendment ultimately means people won't be able to protect their property or their gardens from thieves. The second amendment is the fail safe mechanism of the first." ...

Spartacus: Thoughts on Load-Bearing Equipment, Part I
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A soldier needs a lot of gear for accomplishing different missions. This gear will be sorted into different layers so the soldier isn't carrying all of it all the time. Some of it may be in a duffle bag and stored somewhere semi-permanently because the likelihood or frequency of use is low. Some of it may be in a medium-sized backpack that can be carried from mission to mission but temporarily discarded for actions on the objective. Some of the gear is intended to remain with the soldier on his person at all times."

"Although there are different names for this personal on-the-body gear, most prior military folks are familiar with the terms Load-Bearing Equipment (LBE) and Load-Carrying Equipment (LCE)." ...

Praxis: Load Bearing Equipment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"WRSA has this from Spartacus on Load Bearing Equipment. It is an excellent discussion of the ALICE gear available at just about every Army surplus store in the country. If your AO is in rural areas where you will have to sustain yourself, such rigs are vital."

"However, I'm on record as advocating the less-is-more theory that the armed citizen should fight as light as possible. Especially in urban or suburban settings where food, water and shelter are available, the only thing a militiaman absolutely needs is a rifle and bandoleer(s)." ...

A Year After New Law Enacted, Progress on Brady Background Checks, But Still a Long Way to Go
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In the aftermath of the Virginia Tech tragedy in April 2007, nearly all elected officials, as well as the public, agreed about one important policy change: the Federal Brady background check system needed strengthening ..." ...

"... Congress passed and President Bush signed the NICS Improvement Act with nearly unanimous bipartisan support."

"Since the bill was signed into law a year ago today, there has been steady progress by some states in submitting more records to NICS, but many states are still failing to submit their records. And despite the law's authorization of funding to help the states cope with the costs of providing the records, the 110th Congress appropriated no funds for the legislation last year." ...

The unchanged principle of gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have learned over time that one way to ... ensure a cadre of readers respond is to suggest that, perhaps, just perhaps, that the possession of guns by the general population, while a necessary and vital component to the wardrobe in sparsely settled western 19th century United States or at the time of the framing of the Constitution, is not appropriate in a major urban setting or in suburban neighborhoods. ..."

"... As I will explain, in my opinion and the views of all but the most fervent members of the N.R.A. ... those issues have been considered settled by the majority of the American public. The majority of people favor the possession of handguns with some restrictions." ...

Submitter's Note: I am not an NRA member, but I still feel that my rights are not subject to majority opinion.

Heller, HLR, And Holistic Legal Reasoning (.pdf file)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Well, the show sure ended with a bang. On the last day of the Term, the Court � for the first time ever, by a single vote, over vigorous dissents, and against the weight of circuit precedent � wielded the Second Amendment to strike down a federal gun control measure and to declare a robust individual right to use firearms for self-defense."

"Experts began parsing District of Columbia v. Heller within hours of the Court�s pronouncement. Over the ensuing weeks, sophisticated commentary blossomed in a rich profusion of blogs, wikis, posts, threads, and chats. Now, nearly five months after the decision, does anything remain to be said? In the Internet Age, does anyone still read law reviews? They seem so twentieth-century." ...

Submitter's Note: Akhil Reed Amar of the Harvard Law Review takes an indepth look at the Heller decision and makes some significant conclusions.

TX: Police: Homeowner Fatally Shoots Alleged Robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police say two men attempted to break into a home on the 4100 block of South Hughes in Amarillo this morning."

"The homeowner, police say, used a long gun to shoot one of the suspects. The other alleged robber managed to run away."

"When police arrived at the home, 4117 S. Hughes, they found one of the suspected robbers lying on the ground with several gun shot wounds. They attempted to resuscitate him, but were unsuccessful."

"Police are now searching for the second man involved in the invasion. Police have a vague description of him. He is a black male and was last seen wearing black clothing."

"Witnesses say both suspected robbers have broken into the home up to four times in the past." ...

Use Sense in Self-Defense
Submitted by: jghilty

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"It is perfectly understandable, indeed admirable, to use a firearm to protect and defend your business. Especially so when your store has been robbed before. Thus, from Portland Oregon, much of this story is reasonable:"

"Eklund told police he was behind the front counter of his business at 10:41 p.m. Dec. 15, with his head down, when he heard someone yell, �Give me all your money!� He looked up and saw one man pointing a gun at him and a second man struggling to remove his gun from his jacket pocket. Eklund ran around the counter, pulled his gun and started firing."

"The thugs turned and fled. So far, so good. .. when I piece together what the store owner did next, I�m not so impressed:" ...

Kurt Repanshek: Lawsuits Against Park Carry
Submitted by: Dustin

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"Kurt Repanshek wrote an article about 2 lawsuits that have been filed to fight the removal of the old ban on self defense in National Parks. His only sources were the NPCA, the CNPSR, & the Brady folks, so the article is all one sided, just regurgitating their unsubstantiated anti freedom rhetoric. ..."

"It is interesting for example that the author & the anti-freedom organizations he quoted feel it had been OK to infringe on our right to bear arms when we crossed an imaginary 'loaded gun free zone' boundary so that they couldn't be scared of our holstered guns. If they're so scared of my holstered gun in a National Park ... why do they go to the same crowded malls & movie theaters that I go to? ..." ...

Parks groups oppose gun rule
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Two national park advocacy groups are going to court to challenge a recent change in federal rules that allows people to carry loaded weapons inside national parks."

"National Parks Conservation Association and Coalition of National Park Service Retirees issued a press release Wednesday indicating that they have filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court seeking an injunction against the rule, which was adopted by the Bush Administration last month. ..."

"'In a rush to judgment, as a result of political pressure, the outgoing administration failed to comply with the law, and did not offer adequate reasons for doing so,' NPCA President Tom Kiernan indicated in the release." ...

Another Reason to Hold Holder
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Think about that. Defending yourself through the legal system makes you a special target of the government.

"That is flat-out chilling and un-American. Anyone with this mentality presuming to be our nation's top law enforcer is terrifying.

"Eric Holder's easy embrace of the tools of the police state morally disqualifies him from our country's top law enforcement position. Regardless of your political persuasion, Republican or Democrat, this should outrage you. Please join me in opposing his confirmation."

What Do I Think About the Holder-NRA Flap?
Submitted by: The Liberty Sphere

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"Here are a few questions and answers posed"

"Do you think the NRA and other gun orgs should openly oppose the confirmation of Holder?

"Do you believe that Holder will be confirmed anyway?
...yes...Americans threw a tantrum and elected a Democrat Senate with a 57-seat majority...this is what happens when people throw a fit and take leave of their senses."

"Do you think that the NRA had reason to approach the Holder nomination in the manner it did?

"Doesn't that mean, then, that you are not sincerely 'pulling out all the stops' in opposing Holder? have done my part here and in private..." ...

Holed Up in Fairfax and They Ain't Comin' Out
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "It's simply not credible that an organization that screamed so loudly and relentlessly on Obama being 'the most anti-gun president in American history' would remain hidden and mute on the ascendancy of the most anti-gun Attorney General in American history." ...

The Holder Battle and the NRA
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I would probably be remiss as a so called pragmatist if I didn't explain my take on the political situation surrounding the Holder confirmation. I should note that it is very important that folks contact their Senators and express their concerns about Holder, and ask them to oppose his nomination. ... I also don't think there�s any harm in NRA members calling NRA to tell them what they think. I would welcome the NRA getting involved ... but I believe that involvement unlikely. What I will try to explain is why this is unlikely, and why it's not unreasonable, lazy, or cowardly for NRA to decide the upside to opposition might not be worth the downside." ...

"It�s perfectly reasonable to believe NRA should get involved with the fight against Holder, but it�s also perfectly reasonable for NRA to see a lot of risk for not much chance of benefit too. ..." ...

Breaking news: Holder hasn't (yet) gone after the entire Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Kurt Hofmann

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"I trust that no one who reads this blog needs to be told that Eric Holder would be the most rabidly hostile AG gun owners have ever seen."

"However, as David Codrea points out, the Second Amendment isn't the only part of the Bill of Rights that offends him--the First Amendment also seems to annoy him." ...

"Now, we learn of his willingness to go after the Sixth Amendment." ...

"But I've found some good news. Even after extensive searching, I haven't found any indication that he has tried to suppress the Third Amendment."

"So rest easy, NAQA (just as the NRA is apparently resting easy)--there's little reason to believe a Holder Attorney Generalship would lead to mandatory peacetime quartering of soldiers." ...

Submitter's Note: Finally--a bit of good news about Eric Holder: he seems to have left at least part of the Bill of Rights alone.

Political Capital: How It�s Spent
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Any time NRA engages politically, and sending an alert to its membership that they need to contact their representatives, is engaging politically. When you do this, you are spending political reputation, and political alliances. You are spending reputation, because if you alert, and switchboards don�t get lit up, political actors start wondering whether your membership is credible. You have to make sure the issue is one that will generate widespread concern." ...

Risk vs. Reward
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Sebastian has a very good post up explaining the risk/reward conundrum that NRA faces in whether or not they should publicly oppose the Holder nomination."

"He makes an excellent point in that NRA has to consider whether the risk of opposing the Holder nomination is worth the potential reward, especially if NRA should fail in its opposition to Holder. Personally, I�d rather see NRA worrying about upcoming gun control legislation than Eric Holder, because (like Sebastian) I agree that GOA, JPFO, bloggers, et al are the perfect weapons with which to fight the holder nomination." ...

The outdoor industry will not be able to peacefully coexist with Obama's administration
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Plenty has happened in the outdoors [over the Holidays]. Unfortunately, not much of it has been positive."

"The economy has continued to shake, rattle and roll, the stock market has tanked, industries have lined up for government handouts that may only delay the inevitable ..."

"In short order, the entire outdoor industry is about to find there is no peaceful coexistence with the new administration -and the administration may possesses no interest in compromise. ..." ...

"The new administration will 'make its bones' - quickly to let everyone know there's a new sheriff in town. Unfortunately - for most of us - that will likely include a slew of new laws designed to severely restrict firearms ownership." ...

More gun control not a viable answer to crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They're sneaking up on us again, and gun owners and hunters need to be forwarned of another plot to take away our Second Amendment rights."

"'Ammunition Accountability,' a newly formed group of ammunition coding supporters, is working to pass legislation to make ammo-coding a reality. Using laser etching, the group wants to place an alpha-numeric serial number on the back of each bullet, round or cartridge manufactured in the U.S. The idea is that it will control criminals by identifying brass or empty shells left at a crime scene and then following up the number on the back to find out who purchased the offending bullet. almost makes sense, doesn't it? That's exactly what they want you to think ..." ...

H.R.17 : To protect the right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms in defense of self, family, or home, and to provide for the enforcement of such right.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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H.R. 17, To protect the right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms in defense of self, family, or home, and to provide for the enforcement of such right
H.R. 17 would protect the right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms in defense of self, family, or home, and to provide for the enforcement of such right.

Submitter's Note: Sponsor: Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. [MD-6] (introduced 1/6/2009) Cosponsors (None)
Committees: House Judiciary
Latest Major Action: 1/6/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
US House 1-6-2009 Activity

Wondering What's Happening With the Ammunition Accountability Campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few years ago, during the 2005/6 session of the California legislature, an ammunition serialization bill, AB 352, was passed by both houses, but died in Conference on Nov. 30, 2006. A close call!"

"Nonetheless, beginning in 2007 an ammunition serialization campaign organized by Ammunition Accountability, a lobbying arm of Ammunition Coding System (listen to the interview on posted below for the direct evidence), has been working with state legislatures to get bills passed to mandate ammunition serialization on a state by state basis. It just so happens that Ammunition Coding System would profit handsomely from such mandatory serialization. ..." ...

Draconian Rules Change Creates Partisan Furor
Submitted by: The Liberty Sphere

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House Democrats overwhelmingly voted for a rules change that will effectively prevent the GOP from engaging in free and open debate on proposed legislation offered by Democrats.

This means that any number of Democrat-initiated bills from gun control and gun bans, to energy production and socialized medicine, will not benefit from questions and debate on the part of the opposition.

Who Will Run the RNC?
Submitted by: jghilty

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"When it comes to the six Republicans competing for lead dog of the GOP leadership, all are on point: They love Ronald Reagan, are pro-life, advocate small government, and promise more diversity and fewer taxes."

"They are also, with one exception, locked and loaded -- armed in Second Amendment solidarity. During a 90-minute debate ... only Michael Steele confessed to owning no guns."

"Say what? In a race where Steele's conservative bona fides are already held in suspicion, did his admission unseal any deal? Can True Conservatives trust a man who doesn't pack heat, perchance to kill a moose?"

"The others admitted to owning several weapons, including ... the South Carolina Republican chairman, who said he had too many to count." ...

MA: Selectmen will not seek injunction against Scituate gun club
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The selectmen Tuesday night refused to seek a court injunction against the activities of the Scituate Rod and Gun Club, despite strong opposition from neighbors of the club."

"Town counsel James Toomey advised selectmen that a court injunction would not be successful because there was no proof of any imminent danger, according to Town Administrator Richard Agnew."

"Residents of the Heritage Trails neighborhood had asked town officials to seek the injunction to stop shooting practice at the club, which is in a residential area."

"But Agnew said after an hour and a half of discussion with the neighbors, the selectmen voted to follow the advice of town counsel." ...

KABA Note: The club has been there since 1929.

GA: Of Senate chairmanships, power bills, and guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few notes on the upcoming session of the Legislature, which starts Monday:" ...

"� State Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, a Republican candidate for governor, is making a bit of hay out of Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle's statement this week that he has 'no appetite' for more legislation to expand the rights of those with concealed weapons permits." ...

"Said Oxendine:"

"'Casey Cagle may be content and want a respite in standing up for our Second Amendment rights, but I will never rest until we ensure that we have protected the Second Amendment and made every effort to ensure our constitutional right to keep and bear arms�.'" ...

NC: Ammunition proposal is focus of lobbying
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An effort to get Durham officials to seek legislation that would require people buying ammunition to first obtain a permit has touched off a lobbying campaign by both supporters and opponents."

"The Rev. Melvin Whitley of Durham has been lobbying to get what he calls the 'Bullet Ownership Bill' on a list of legislation sought by Durham officials in the coming legislative session."

"Among the bill's provisions: required permits for buying ammunition and a prohibition on ammunition purchase by several classes of people, including convicted felons, drug addicts and the mentally ill." ...

Police State Killing Caught on Tape
Submitted by: Larry

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"The newest police atrocity to receive significant media coverage � the killing of Oscar Grant at an Oakland BART station by a police officer on New Years Day � was caught on tape and widely distributed. It has now been watched half a million times. Could this mean the beginning of a shift in the way police abuses are handled in American society?"

"Upon seeing the videotape, a former DEA agent and expert on 'use-of-force' cases, said, 'It's clear it was not a use-of-deadly-force situation. . . . You've got more than enough manpower there to handle these guys.'"

"Many others defend the police conduct, coming up with all sorts of excuses and appealing to the high stress situations in which police find themselves. ..." ...

CA: Police crack down after train shooting protests
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Heavy police presence greeted Bay Area Rapid Transit commuters Thursday, a day after more than 100 people were arrested in violent protests over the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man by a transit police officer."

"At least three cars were set on fire, store windows were smashed and a police cruiser was vandalized in what started as a peaceful demonstration Wednesday over the Jan. 1 shooting of Oscar Grant. Police in riot gear threw tear gas to try to break up the demonstration." ...

"'There were racial slurs directed at the young men,' family attorney John Burris said Thursday. 'But I have no evidence that this particular officer (Mehserle) directed racial slurs towards Oscar Grant.'" ...

CA: BART Executioner Resigns
Submitted by: Larry

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"What's wrong, you can't handle the pressure?"
"The BART police officer who shot an unarmed man to death on a station platform early on New Year's Day quit the force Wednesday, avoiding an interview with police internal affairs investigators ..."

"Mehserle, however, did not show up for the scheduled interview at 11 a.m. ... Instead, the officer's attorney ... handed over a short resignation letter ..."
"I do not know how police investigations ... work but I hope this does not end in some minor disciplinary action."

"And here's another statist gem: 'Christopher Miller, an attorney for the officer ... said Mehserle's defense would continue to be paid for by a statewide fund for police officers.'" ...

Shoving Walmart Greeters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following is a rebuttal to this post ... My comments follow it." ...

"First of all, thank you for taking an interest in this. What happened at the Wal-Mart on Dec. 24th was very unfortunate. I do need to tell you that you need to have your facts straight before sending a sarcastic filled letter to anyone. If you are relying on the media for the facts then you have made a mistake. Let me help you with the facts." ...

"First, I'm painfully aware that 'Authorized Journalists' don't always get it right. My real concern in this is more of an 'Only Ones' nature:"

"Does Det. Barber sincerely believe this would have been the outcome, had it been a citizen conducting a 'Simple Assault' against a police officer?" ...

Police May Soon Use Pain Guns That Heat Skin With Microwaves
Submitted by: Larry

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"In several years police officers may have laser or microwave guns to point at miscreants, according to the Justice Department�s research and development agency. These nonlethal weapons build on knowledge gained from the Pentagon�s controversial Active Denial System (ADS) - first demonstrated in public last year, which uses a 2-metre-[wide] beam of short microwaves to heat up the outer layer of a person�s skin and cause pain. Like the ADS, the new portable devices will also heat the skin, but will have beams only a few centimetres across. ... But the idea of giving cops a tool capable of instantly inflicting pain from across a town square is raising protests from human rights advocates." ...

KABA Note: Well if these high tech gadgets don't work out they can always go back to fire hoses.

NY: Amtrak photo contestant arrested by Amtrak police in NYC's Penn Station
Submitted by: clell

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"Armed with his Canon 5D and his new Lensbaby lens, photographer Duane Kerzic set out to win Amtrak�s annual photo contest this week, hoping to win $1,000 in travel vouchers and have his photo published in Amtrak�s annual calendar."

"He ended up getting arrested by Amtrak police; handcuffed to a wall in a holding cell inside New York City�s Penn Station, accused of criminal trespass."

"Kerzic says he was hardly trespassing because he was taking photos from the train platform; the same one used by thousands of commuters everyday to step on and off the train."

"'The only reason they arrested me was because I refused to delete my images,' Kerzic said in a phone interview with Photography is Not a Crime on Friday." ...

H/t to Manuel Lora at LRC blog.

AL: 'Nobody saw this coming'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The pressures of gambling debts, domestic problems and family health problems contributed to Decatur police Sgt. Faron White's decision to steal money confiscated from drug cases and fake his abduction Friday night to head to Las Vegas, where he would to try to win back the stolen money."

"Today White, a 22-year department veteran, sits in a Las Vegas jail cell charged with theft, after his female accomplice - with whom he had a romantic relationship - told police late Monday night where he was. White could face more charges when he is returned to Decatur." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

AR: Files: Officers Had Sex On Job
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Fort Smith Police Department documents reveal that suspended officer Steven Hutchinson had sex in a squad car while on duty."

"Another officer, Cpl. Brandon Bird, 31, was suspended without pay for three days in December for similar allegations. He admitted to having sexual contact � with the same woman � while on duty in a police vehicle on Feb. 8, 2007."

"Hutchinson, 31, began his 12-day suspension without pay Tuesday when he opted not to appeal Police Chief Kevin Lindsey�s decision to discipline him for what an internal investigation found to be violations of the Fort Smith Police Department�s Rules and Regulations, according to Sgt. Levi Risley." ...

VA: Official defends stunning Hula Hoop lady
Submitted by: clell

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"A Norfolk, Va., police officer had no choice but to use a stun gun on a brain-injured woman twirling a Hula Hoop in a street median, a city official said."

"Norfolk City Attorney Bernard Pishko said Officer Nicholas Parks did not use excessive force when he stunned the woman while responding to an excessive noise complaint as she claims in a lawsuit ..." ...

"Her lawsuit claims Parks disregarded Brown's repeated statements that her injuries prevented her from putting her arm behind her back, as the officer had ordered. The lawsuit says Parks also ignored Brown's efforts to tell him about the documents she had with her that described her medical condition." ....

H/t to Manuel Lora at LRC Blog.

NY: Stated Meeting: Council Approves Firearm Reporting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"If police officers pull their triggers the City Council will now be put on notice under legislation passed unanimously by the council on Wednesday."

"The New York City Police Department will be required to submit annual reports to the council detailing incidents of gunfire by police officers. The department will have to include the race, gender and age of those involved in the incident." ...

"Lauded as an effort to keep the police department accountable, the proposal is not an indication of any problems there, city officials cautioned. But, instead, it hopes to identify trends and give the council greater oversight of data, which has been difficult to receive at times. ..." ...

TN: Officer In Brainerd Road Incident Says Tow Truck Driver Brushed Him (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off duty Chattanooga Police officer involved in an incident with a tow truck driver near the Deep Blue club in Brainerd said the incident started when the wrecker driver was driving aggressively and brushed him with the vehicle window."

"Officer Phil McClain also said that he revealed his weapon after an owner of nearby property, Jeff Whitley, pulled his handgun 'in a very aggressive manner.'"

"The officer also claimed that Mr. Whitley told him, 'Get off my property black boy.'"

"No charges were filed in the incident, but police Internal Affairs are looking into it." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

TX: Questions surround shooting of baseballer's son
Submitted by: Larry

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"Robbie Tolan sits in a Houston, Texas, hospital bed with a bullet from a police officer's gun lodged in his liver. ..."

"Robbie Tolan was shot December 31 by a police officer in his driveway. He was unarmed."

"But how this unarmed 23-year-old and his cousin ended up in the cross-hairs of an officer's gun, suspected of stealing a car, is a question sparking allegations of racial profiling." ...

"It was 2 a.m. on December 31 when Tolan and his cousin, Anthony Cooper, were confronted in the driveway of their home by Bellaire, Texas, police officers. Police officials say the officers suspected the two young men were driving a stolen car."

"Bellaire is a prominent, mostly white suburb in southwest Houston." ...

Hat tip to Manuel Lora at the LRC Weblogs.

CA: Guns Stolen from California Sheriff's Patrol Cars
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Burglars who forced their way into a secured Contra Costa County sheriff's lot ransacked several patrol cars and stole weapons inside, the Sheriff's Office said Tuesday."

"Three Colt semi-automatic assault rifles and a Remington shotgun were taken from cars parked in the lot ..."

"The break-in is similar to one in mid-December at a California Highway Patrol field office lot a little more than a mile away ..." ...

"In the most recent incident, the burglars cut through a fence and used 'heavy-duty equipment' to pry open the patrol car doors. ... In freeing the weapons that were secured by harnesses and electric locks, the burglars severely damaged the cars."

"'They came prepared,' [Capt. Daniel] Terry said." ...

Submitter's Note: Only the police are responsible enough to possess firearms...

KABA Note: and given that a similar burglary happened less than a mile away, why weren't you prepared Capt. Terry?

Gun sales still up on eve of Obama administration
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Gun sales continue to increase sharply in the aftermath of Barack Obama's presidential election, a trend gun rights lobbies attribute to concerns over a potential new gun ban."

"'Sales of firearms, in particular handguns and semi-automatic hunting and target rifles, are fast outpacing inventory,' [NSSF] president and CEO Stephen Sanetti said ..."

"'It's clear that many people are concerned about possible gun bans under the incoming Congress and are reacting accordingly.'"

"Firearm purchaser background checks, an indicator of actual sales, in December 2008 were up 24 percent at 1.5 million from a year earlier ..." ...

"Some 12.7 million background checks were reported in 2008, a 14 percent increase from 2007 ..."

"NSSF said demand for firearms was so high that the [BATFE] ran out of the forms required for any individual purchasing a firearm from a licensed retailer." ...

PA: Fear of ban drives gun sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sales have increased dramatically at local gun stores since last year, with customers aiming to buy handguns and assault rifles over fears of a ban or tax on the weapons by a new administration."

"'We've been wiped out on the AR-15 for months,' said Denny Salem, 50, owner of Sporting Goods Discounters of Johnstown."

"The AR-15, a popular semi-automatic rifle modeled on the military�s fully automatic M-16, is the poster child for the fight between wholesale supporters of the Constitution�s Second Amendment and those favoring a ban on assault weapons."

"'There�s trouble getting them nationwide,' Salem said. He estimated sales of the weapon in his store are up between 50 and 60 percent over last year." ...

PA: Gun Purchases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even though New Jersey officials long ago put in place the nation's second-toughest firearms restrictions, many are prepared, with Gov. Corzine's backing, to kick it up a notch by enacting a monthly limit on handgun buyers."

"As soon as next month, the state Senate could vote on a measure approved by the state Assembly that would impose a one-handgun-per-month limit. At the same time, the Assembly's calendar contains another smart gun-safety measure that would ban .50-caliber sniper rifles capable of targeting a plane."

"By pushing for a handgun limit, Trenton lawmakers would be making a powerful statement: In effect, the struggle to keep communities safe from gun violence requires going the extra mile, and then some." ...

MD: Butchers, hunters unite to help feed the hungry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hunters who kill more deer than they can fit in their freezers can share their bounty with the hungry of Frederick County."

"Through Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry, sportsmen can drop off deer at participating butcheries that dress them and send them to nearby food banks. The charitable organization is especially helpful this year, as the floundering economy has presented food banks with the double whammy of dwindling stock and increasing demand." ...

"Meat processors take any clean, field-dressed deer weighing more than 70 pounds, and process, package and freeze the venison ..."

"Middletown Food Bank manager Jackie Cavell said the program provides most of the donated meat the bank receives ..." ...

How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual... as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of. � Representative Suzanna Gratia Hupp (TX)

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