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Victim strikes back in running CBD gun fight

Originally ran here as:
"Victim strikes back in running CBD gun fight"
Independent Online
April 17, 2002

DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICE -- A Durban businessman fought a life-and-death battle with three armed robbers during a gun fight in the city centre on Tuesday.

The man, who works for Durban Gold Exchange in Pine Street, was held up along with the rest of the store's staff by two men men and a woman, whom police believe is the girlfriend of one of the robbers.

The robbers, who entered the store on the pretence of being customers, held up the staff, forcing several of them into the office while the woman stood guard at the front entrance.

As the robbers ransacked a safe, one of the employees drew his gun and opened fire on the two men, shooting one of them in the stomach and back.

Police spokesperson Vasie Naidu said that as the injured man and his partners tried to flee, the employee chased after them, continuing to shoot as they ran. " The man shot the robber several more times as well as the woman, who turned and began shooting at her pursuer, firing several shots before falling to the ground."

"Police from the Durban Field Unit and Durban Motorbike Unit, who were passing by, ran to investigate the shooting and immediately arrested the two who were injured," she said.

Naidu said the man and the woman were rushed to hospital where they are reported to be in a serious but stable condition.

"We are still looking for the third robber, who made off with a substantial amount of money," Naidu said.

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An armed society is a polite society. � Robert A. Heinlein

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