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Stun Gun: Better Than Nothing

From: John Kupski <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 20:20:53 -0800 (PST)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Stunned over stun gun news

Dear Ms Levitt:

In your article of January 15th, 2002, entitled, "Stunned over stun guns," you make several comments that are quite... interesting.

The first is, "I know a lot of people will disagree, but it scares me to think these weapons may be in homes across Alameda."

The second, "When a police officer uses a stun gun and something goes wrong, officers have other options available. The average citizen doesn't."

The third, "I'll put my faith in the Alameda police. They are professionals. I'm not."

I find it quite shocking (no pun intended) that you apparently believe mere citizens do not and should not have the right to defend themselves, their property, and their families. While I agree with you that a stun gun is most certainly not the most effective means of defense out there, for those of you unfortunate enough to live in the Golden State (specifically the Bay area, where civillian carry of firearms is all but illegal, being restricted to the wealthy, powerful, and well connected) it's about the best you can hope to do. If someone is forced to use a stun gun in defense of their life, it's rather hard to contemplate their situation getting any worse--how could it? If "something goes wrong," then they are no worse off. At the very least, they've bought themselves a few seconds to escape.

As for your comment about the police, I agree, most of them are quite professional. But citizens truly concerned with their safety will seek the appropriate training, and most will eventually have more hours devoted to self defense than the majority of police officers! Additionally, it is extremely doubtful that the police will be there to protect you if you are the victim of a crime--they will most likely show up minutes, or even hours later to take a statement or fill out a report. If confronted by someone who plans to rape or murder you, which do you prefer: Having an immediate means of self defense (a pistol, a knife, a stun gun--anything!) or having a police officer picking up the pieces?

John M. Kupski

Chuckey, TN

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